Want a Healthy Heart? Go on a Vacation and Enjoy These Health Benefits
Want a Healthy Heart? Go on a Vacation and Enjoy These Health Benefits
Here are other benefits of a vacation that will make your pack your bags and leave for a trip right now.

A new study done by researchers from Syracuse University in the US has revealed the benefits of a vacation for our heart’s health. As stated by Bryce Hruska, an assistant professor at Syracuse University, “We found out that people who vacation more frequently in the past 12 months have a lowered risk for metabolic syndrome and metabolic symptoms.”

While the study establishes the benefits of a vacation from work on a healthy heart, it’s never a bad idea to take a break from the routine.

Here are other benefits of a vacation that will make your pack your bags and leave for a trip right now:

1. Stress reduction: A study released by the American Psychological Association in 2015 concluded that vacations reduce stress. Similarly, a Canadian study also found that taking vacations helps alleviate job stress. The effects last beyond the duration of the vacation, too.

2. Better sleep: Stress and anxiety make a person restless, leading to disrupted sleep patterns. Vacations help in reducing the stress, which, in turn, helps people to sleep better as they get rejuvenated in a different environment that lacks stress. It also helps in improving their quality of life and helps reset the sleep pattern.

3. Improved productivity: Doing the same work every day, might decrease the productivity of a person. Going on vacation gives a break from the monotonous routine, helping a person in improving productivity and focus. Studies conducted by companies like Ernst & Young and Boston Consulting Group have found that taking some time off for a vacation can help a person do better, as they stay happier.

4. Improved Relationships: A five-year study published in the Wisconsin Medical Journal showed that woman who takes vacations at least twice a year are ‘less likely to become tense, depressed, or tired, and are more satisfied with the marriage,’ and that the ‘odds of marital satisfaction decreases as the frequency of vacations decreases.’ This is because vacations help families undergo shared experience, bringing them together.

5. Personal Well-Being: Vacations help people to visit new places, meet new people and learn about new cultures. This helps in grooming a person altogether, as one gets to have an exposure to different cultures and traditions, widening their knowledge.

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