Want To Know How Milind Soman Can Enjoy Jalebis? Fitness Icon Answers
Want To Know How Milind Soman Can Enjoy Jalebis? Fitness Icon Answers
The couple has been treating fans to stunning glimpses of various places including scrumptious food delight

Milind Soman has been touring the Gujarat state with his wife Ankita Konwar for the past few days. The couple has been treating fans to stunning glimpses of various places including scrumptious food delight. During his trip, Milind decided to gorge on some sugary treats, which has simply left his fans stunned. Being a national fitness icon, the actor has inspired countless people with his devotion to a healthy lifestyle.

As the 55-year-old posed with a jalebi in his latest post, fans were simply pleasantly surprised. Hard to believe that someone like him can freely enjoy the delicious Indian dessert. The classic Indian sugary treat is surely enjoyed for its taste but also is packed with too many calories. The actor-model, who often shares insights on food and fitness, shared his philosophy with his fans. In a lengthy caption, the actor revealed that fitness for him is all about freedom.

He also mentioned that he feels fitness does not mean one to restrict items from their diet. He shared it is about enjoying everything life has to offer. Milind noted that everyone is well aware of what is good and bad for their health.

So what does Milind do differently? The star noted that he eats less of what is bad and more of what is good for him. Hence, he consumes more whole foods, fruits and vegetables and cuts down on refined sugar, processed and packaged choices.

Sharing the post, Milind wrote, “Do I eat jalebis? Of course…sometimes.” He added, “When it comes to food, I believe that ‘when’ and ‘how much’ are more important than what.”


Milind Soman’s social media page is all about fitness and yoga. The incredibly fit actor keeps talking with his fans and followers about what fitness really means to him. Known for his workout routines and healthy lifestyle, the actor also strongly supports the idea of a happy and free mind.

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