In a statement, State Election Commissioner Manoj Kumar said 1,778 nomination papers were received for 825 posts of the block panchayat chief, of which 68 were cancelled and 187 withdrawn.
As many as 349 candidates for the block panchayat chief polls in Uttar Pradesh were declared elected unopposed on Friday, the last day for the withdrawal of nomination papers. Now, the elections will be held for 476 posts on Saturday. In a statement, State Election Commissioner Manoj Kumar said 1,778 nomination papers were received for 825 posts of the block panchayat chief, of which 68 were cancelled and 187 withdrawn. As a result, now 1,710 candidates will go into the elections on Saturday, he said. Kumar said the polling will be held from 11 am to 3 pm and the counting will take place after that.
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