John Travolta's creepy photos sparked a Photoshop battle that will make your eyes bleed
John Travolta's creepy photos sparked a Photoshop battle that will make your eyes bleed
John Travolta is well on his way to break the internet!

Warning: If you have a weak heart, or have just eaten anything, we advise you to not proceed any further. Because you CAN NOT un-see them!On February 23, John Travolta woke up in the morning and decided that he would not mess up anything this time at the Oscars. We are as of yet unsure of what he smoked afterwards because he completely forgot about this resolution of his. The Hollywood star went ahead to become the personification of the word 'creepy' and successfully managed to, if not break, put a large dent in the internet!What Mr Travolta did, was essentially manage to make Idina Menzel and Scarlett Johansson extremely uncomfortable by being a little too 'touchy-feely' for anybody's liking.A Photoshop battle ensued on the internet, as is customary, and the results were nothing short of brilliant.It started with a normal face swap, as was the case in his famous movie 'Face/Off'.And Speaking of 'Face/Off', I think this looks like the perfect poster for a sequel. Lots of potential there.But look at John Travolta here. He is just an innocent make-up man, people!Just John Travolta indulging in some domestic violins.What would have Pulp Fiction looked like if Uma Thurman had been replaced Scarlett Johansson?Suddenly all the 'John Travolta is a vampire' conspiracy theories make sense!John and Draco have a close friendship. His father will probably not hear about this. (I think John has bad breath)I think he is taking the 'being touristy' thing a bit too seriouslyCIA's secret weapon to keep Russia away from AmericaI think this is the perfect metaphor for how John Travolta photos are spreading across the internet.John Travolta vs John TravoltaAnd of course any Photoshop battle is incomplete without Kanye West. Perhaps Kanye thought that was Kim. I don't know!Are your eyes bleeding enough?

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