Jon Snow Actor Kit Harington Angrily Reacts to Backlash Over Game of Thrones Ending
Jon Snow Actor Kit Harington Angrily Reacts to Backlash Over Game of Thrones Ending
'Game of Thrones' actor Kit Harington has reacted to backlash over the show’s final season, telling haters to "go f*** themselves" as everyone on the show tried their "hardest."

Game of Thrones came to its conclusion Sunday night with The Iron Throne. And the reactions seemed to lean towards a negative consensus, rather than neutral.

The series finale saw Bran the Broken (Isaac Hempstead Wright) become King of the Six Kingdoms in an unexpected twist, while Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, Mother of Dragons, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, Breaker of Chains meet her end at the hands of her lover Jon Snow (Kit Harington).

Many viewers felt that Emilia Clarke's Daenerys didn't deserve that ending, considering how fiercely she lived. The fans also expressed displeasure over Bran being chosen the king of Westeros.

Now, Game of Thrones actor Kit Harington has reacted to backlash over the show’s final season, telling haters to "go f**k themselves" as everyone on the show tried their "hardest."

"How I feel about the show right now is quite defiant. I think no matter what anyone thinks about this season—and I don’t mean to sound mean about critics here— but whatever critic spends half an hour writing about this season and makes their (negative) judgement on it, in my head they can go f–k themselves. 'Cause I know how much work was put into this,” Harington told Esquire.

The actor further said that he understood the fandom around the series, but in the end, "no one’s bigger fans of the show than we are." He added hundreds and thousands of people worked sleepless nights to make the show possible and “now if people feel let down by it, I don’t give a f–k."

"I know how much people cared about this. I know how much pressure people put on themselves and I know how many sleepless nights working or otherwise people had on this show. Because they cared about it so much. Because they cared about the characters. Because they cared about the story. Now if people feel let down by it, I don’t give a f–k—because everyone tried their hardest. That’s how I feel. And I was just happy we got to the end."

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