Horoscope Today, August 12, 2021: Check Out Daily Astrological Prediction for Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Other Zodiac Signs
Horoscope Today, August 12, 2021: Check Out Daily Astrological Prediction for Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Other Zodiac Signs
Horoscope Today, August 12, 2021: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn will be craving for some new creative projects, while Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio will work on their professional growth with the help of their colleagues

After Mercury left Leo for detail-oriented Virgo on Wednesday, August 11, the development will bring more thoughtful, down-to-earth thinking and interaction until Sunday, August 29. Fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius need to focus on their self-growth and wellness plans. Air signs Gemini, Aquarius and Libra will be showing their vulnerable side to someone special. Earth signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn will be craving for some new creative projects, while water signs Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio will work on their professional growth with the help of their colleagues. Those with Aries sun sign must work on any to-do list that has been avoided for quite some time, while Virgo must not hesitate to write down all the bright ideas you have been batting around.


Aries must devote some time on fitness

Your focus will shift to wellness and health on Thursday. Organization skills will be highlighted and you can put them to good use by working on your fitness plan. Work on any to-do list that has been avoided for quite some time. Devote some time to your fitness and make a workout plan that gets you motivated. Bright colours like tangerine will be your guide as you take on the new challenges. Choose alphabets A, L, E, and numbers 1 and 8 for luck.


Taurus will certainly impress their date

On Thursday, planet of communication, Mercury will move through your fifth house of romance, which will encourage you to send that message to someone special. Your honest and humble sense of humor will certainly impress your date. On the work front, you will be aiming to tick off your to-do list. Planet Venus rules your sign, hence subtle colours like sage green will suit you. Your lucky alphabets are B, V, and U and lucky numbers are 2 and 7.


Comfort and self-growth will take priority for Gemini

You are craving for more solo time to get your work done as messenger Mercury moves through your fourth house of home life. You will be supported in your efforts to take things slow and work from home. Comfort and self-growth will take priority this time as you make sure you have a cozy space and all the resources to do your work. Your lucky colour is yellow as planet Mercury rules your sign. Go for alphabets K, C, G and numbers 3 and 6 to receive luck.


A romantic day for Cancer

Planet of romance, Venus moves in your third house of communication and will form a transformative aspect on Pluto in your seventh house of partnership. This will deepen conversations with your partner or a new romantic connection. You are always fearless when it comes to pursuing a love interest but when you do it this time, you will be inviting intense connections. Moon rules your sign and your lucky alphabets are D, and H. Your lucky number is 4. Go for colours like beige to receive all the luck that you can.


Leo will get support for financial growth

You will receive all the help in the department of finances. You may get in touch with people who will help you research and support your financial growth. You will be most successful by expressing your sense of self and sharing your long-term vision with significant people who may support you in future. Number 5 will be your guide and the colour golden will bring you all the highlight that your personality needs, while alphabets M, and T will bring you luck.


Good time for Virgo to talk about their creative projects

It will get easier than usual for you to put what is in your heart into words. Do not hesitate to write down all the bright ideas you have been batting around. It is a good time to talk about your creative projects with your friends and colleagues. You should step into the spotlight and speak your truth. Numbers3, and 8 are lucky for you as Mercury rules your sign. Go for alphabets P, T, and N and deep forest green colour for luck.


Libra will experience a harmonious relation

You will experience a harmonious relation between your home life and spirituality. This is the time when you will feel compelled to share deep-rooted emotional truths with someone special. Do not be afraid of being vulnerable as it could take your relationship to the next level. Choose subtle colours like beige or pastel shades as Venus rules your sign. Your lucky numbers are 2 and 7 and alphabets R, and T will be your guide.


Vibrant colours likely to work in favour of Scorpio today

On Thursday, you can expect some fired up conversations with friends and colleagues. Utilise this opportunity to present your most passionate, artistic ideas and come up with a fearless way to tackle them with a team. This experience could elevate your bonds with friends and colleagues. Vibrant colours like crimson will accentuate your personality. Go for numbers 1 and 8 and alphabets N and Y for luck as Planet Mars rules your sign.


Best time for Sagittarius to step into a leadership position

Today, you will feel that it is time to step into a leadership position in the workplace. From giving crucial presentations to highlighting your skills to the seniors in a confident way, or managing your colleagues, you will prove that you are capable of taking better roles in your professional life. This is a start of your professional growth. Numbers 9 and 12 and yellow colour will bring you luck. Go for alphabets B, D, P, for luck as giant planet Jupiter rules your sign.


Capricorn will be motivated to challenge themselves

You will overcome an urge of shaking up any routines that have surpassed their expiry date. There will be a motivation to challenge yourself with a new skill or activity, maybe take up an online course or a fun workout plan or plan a future holiday trip. Any opportunity that promises broadening of horizons could be the kind of stimulation you need right now. Alphabets K, J and numbers 10, 11 will support you in your endeavours. Planet Saturn rules your sign hence deep colours like brown will highlight your personality.


Important for Aquarius to share feelings with someone

You may feel like opening up about deep-rooted, painful emotions today. Even though divulging about past traumas may not sound like a good idea, it is important that you share your feelings with someone special. This activity can lay groundwork for a deeper emotional bond that feels both transformative and healing. Go for alphabets G, S and numbers 10, 11 for luck. Deep colours like navy blue will be your guide as Saturn rules your sign.


Colour yellow will be lucky for Pisces

Today is all about hustling towards your long-term goals. You are planning to work on new ideas and there may even be a collaboration with your romantic partner for a creative project. This experience will strengthen your bond with a fellow colleague, friend or romantic partner. It will be helpful if you could open up about your insecurities with someone special. Choose numbers 9, 12 and alphabets D, C, J, and T for all the support. Colour yellow will be lucky for you as Jupiter rules your sign.

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