COVID-19 Worsens Health Outcomes for Those with Metabolic Conditions
COVID-19 Worsens Health Outcomes for Those with Metabolic Conditions
It's essential for people with metabolic conditions to take precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and maintain their overall health and well-being

COVID-19 has a significant impact on patients with underlying metabolic conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. These patients are at higher risk for severe illness and complications if they contract the virus. Research shows that people with diabetes are more likely to be hospitalized and have a higher risk of mortality if they contract COVID-19.

“Covid is a metabolic disruptor. It can cause metabolic conditions like diabetes, hypertension and heart disease; it can unmask previously undiagnosed diseases; and can worsen control in previously well managed conditions. Not only that, some of the drugs that are used to manage covid can worsen glucose and blood pressure control. The metabolic complications of covid may persist for many months after the infection,” says Dr Sanjay Kalra, DM (AIIMS), President SAFES, Bharti Hospital, Karnal.

Non-communicable diseases like diabetes and hypertension could lead to other health problems, hence in the second wave of pandemic, it was discovered that people with diabetes and poor glycemic control were at five times more risk of mortality or ICU admission. “Having hypertension increases the chances of getting infected by COVID as well. The specific medicines consumed to combat severe COVID infections can also result in an increase of blood glucose levels. It has even been seen that those without diabetes before catching COVID, were found to get diabetic after recovery,” says Dr Arbinder Singal, CEO and Co-Founder, Fitterfly.

This emphasizes the importance of keeping a regular check on parameters such as blood glucose and pressure levels even after months of recovery from the infection. “For any spike experienced, medical attention should be sought and necessary medications, and lifestyle modifications such as physical activity, proper nutrition and hydration should be embraced for better condition management. Good control over HbA1c which is less than 7 and a fasting level lower than 126 will aid in preventing chances of getting affected by COVID easily. Technology-enabled digital therapeutic programmes can play a big part in this by helping you keep your blood sugar under control while reducing the risk of being infected,” adds Singal.

To prevent the spread of the virus, people with metabolic conditions should take extra precautions, such as maintaining social distancing, wearing a mask, washing their hands frequently, and avoiding large gatherings. It’s also important to continue managing their underlying health conditions and follow their doctor’s recommendations.

In addition, people with metabolic conditions should focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including eating a balanced diet, staying physically active, and getting enough sleep. These measures can help boost their immune system and reduce the risk of severe illness if they contract COVID-19.

Overall, it’s essential for people with metabolic conditions to take the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and maintain their overall health and well-being.

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