Curbs on Women Imposed Because...: RSS Leaders' Speech on Medieval Period & Link to Islamic Invasion
Curbs on Women Imposed Because...: RSS Leaders' Speech on Medieval Period & Link to Islamic Invasion
The RSS leader also asserted that for women, taking care of the family and managing the kitchen at home are as important as having a career in a desired field

The social evils against women, like child marriage, ban on widow re-marriage, and ‘sati pratha’ and illiteracy crept into Indian society because of Islamic invasions,  Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) joint general secretary Krishna Gopal said on Sunday.

Addressing the “Nari Shakti Sangam” organised at Delhi University, the RSS functionary said that in the medieval period, women and girls were subjected to various restrictions to “protect them” from invaders.

He stated that the medieval period was a very “difficult” time when the “entire country was struggling with subjugation.”

‘Social Evils Because of Islamic Invasion’

Calling the medieval period as the era of “great humiliation” Gopal said, “Temples were demolished, big universities destroyed and women were in danger. Lakhs of women were abducted and sold in markets the world over. Be it (Ahmad Shah) Abdali, (Muhammad) Ghori, (the Mahmud of) Ghazni, all of them took women from here and sold them in markets across the world.”

Hence, “to protect women and girls”, several restrictions were imposed on them by “our society” and “as a result, they stopped going to schools, gurukuls … and became uneducated”, he added.

The RSS leader further claimed that the practice of child marriage was started by people as they wanted to get their daughters married off at a young age to” protect them from invaders”.

“There was no sati pratha in our country…. But jauhar (self-immolation) started happening, women started becoming sati. Restrictions on remarriage of widows were imposed with a large number men getting killed in wars, resulting in a shortage of men,” he claimed.

‘Situation Changed Now’

Gopal claimed that before the Islamic invasion, women in Indian society used to participate in “shastrath” (scholarly debates) and even gave verses to the Vedas.

He further claimed the situation has improved now as girls are outperforming boys in board exams today and women are making huge contributions in various fields.

Caution from Western Influence

The RSS leader, however, cautioned Indian women against being influenced by Western culture and exhorted them to remember the Indian values to pass those on to their children.

“The women of our country have to be careful against western influence…. Use technology, fly airplanes, work in the ISRO, become a scientist, doctor or engineer — do whatever you like, but remain a woman,” Gopal said.

‘Women Are Pivot of Family’

He reminded women that they are the “pivot of her family”, adding that it is a woman who imbibes values in her children.

The RSS leader also asserted that for women, taking care of the family and managing the kitchen at home are as important as having a career in a desired field.

“Do you know that Indiraji (former prime minister Indira Gandhi) used to manage her kitchen herself when Nehruji (Indira Gandhi’s father Jawaharlal Nehru) was the prime minister?” he asked the gathering.

“In our country, women are in respectable positions. We must see our past, look at the present, retain what is good, rectify what is not right,” he added.

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