Desi Bride Walks to Mandap With Her Late Father's Photograph in Emotional Video
Desi Bride Walks to Mandap With Her Late Father's Photograph in Emotional Video
In a video shared by Humans of Bombay, Priyanka can be seen all dolled up for her wedding ceremony and is holding her grandfather’s hand and also carrying her father's photograph as she heads towards the mandap.

Every bride wants her family by her side on the wedding day. But things were not the same for Priyanka Bhati, who lost her father to cancer. Priyanka was all 9 when her father died. And, now, on her big day, she walked down the aisle with her father’s photograph. In a video shared by Humans of Bombay, Priyanka can be seen all dolled up for her wedding ceremony and is holding her grandfather’s hand and also carrying her father’s photograph as she heads towards the mandap.

“I was nine when passed away. But even in those few years I spent with him, I saw him as the man who gave it his all for his daughter. I loved mangoes and as the summers would set in, he would always walk into the house with a box full of them. That’s how loving he was! But in his last two years when he was diagnosed with Cancer, he spent most of his time on his bed, resting but even then he’d always ask about me,” she said.

Priyanka also stated that she missed him terribly after he died. Her mother started looking after their shop and along with her brothers, she would also help in the shop. She also mentioned that her grandfather raised her. “I knew him as a very strict man around whom kids were scared to play. But after Papa, he had become soft,” she added.

She even mentioned that her grandfather made sure that she would study properly and had everything she needed. Over the years he gave her a lot of things like toys and dresses but the most precious gift she received from him was his acceptance when she wanted to move to London for her Master’s. “He knew our relatives would frown upon the idea of me moving out but Dadaji said, ‘You apply!’” Priyanka quoted.

When the time came for Priyanka to settle down her grandfather asked her to choose a man for herself and she was glad when she found the man of her dreams in Rahul. They both flew down from London and in July had their big Indian wedding.

But, even amid all the celebrations, Priyanka missed her father. “How wouldn’t I? I wanted a part of him to be with me on my big day. And so, I decided to hold his photo with me as I walked down the aisle,” she expressed.

Priyanka also mentioned that her relatives were reluctant about her carrying her late father’s photo. But Priyanka and her grandfather chose to ignore them and walked down the aisle holding the frame. “Fighting back our tears, at that moment, we both knew Papa was there with us- in spirit!” she added.

The video has garnered more than 7.18 lakh views. The social media users have been touched by the moving story and a few even shared their stories in the comments section.

Keywords: Bride, father’s photo, walks down the aisle, grandfather, inspiring story

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