Monthly Numerology: Check Predictions for January 2023
Monthly Numerology: Check Predictions for January 2023
Monthly Numerology: For people born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th, it's a time for celebration and attending family functions.

NUMBER 1 (People born on 1st, 20th, 19th and 28th)

The month is full of love appreciation and enjoy romantic relationships. Communication and exchange of gifts will strengthen the beauty of love partners. You need to avoid things like arguments and waste time. It’s a best and ideal day to fall in partnership for new business.

Mutual trust will remain high and therefore success is unstoppable. You could go to family functions, stage, events and hold a mic but avoid travel .Remember to establish relations in public forums. Married couple to stay prosperous. Actors, dancers, solar energy dealers, Doctors, stock brokers and media to achieve targets and new opportunities.


LUCKY DAY: Tuesday and Sunday

LUCKY NO: 1 and 3

DONATE: Yellow mustard seeds in temple

NUMBER 2 (People born on 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th)

It’s a time for celebration and attend family function. Feeling of romance and commitment fills your month with happiness. You need to still work hard to gain growth in job specially government jobs and IT industry. There will be profit in the field of milk, water, chemicals, paint, medicines, and food industries. Perform milk abhishek of Lord Shiva on Monday and chant Lord Surya mantra. You should ignore the criticism of others as it just fake.

You are blessed with natural intuition and therefore should take the help of this sense always. Open and direct community needs to practice in many matters these days. It’s a to fall in love, spend with friends, go to seminars, attend family functions, plan a short trip, invest in stock and give a surprise gift to your partner. Romance in married life guarantees the support of your spouse provided you ignore minor faults of other.




DONATE: Curd today to beggars

NUMBER 3 (People born on 3rd, 12th, 22th and 30th)

There are some people keeping an eye to hurt you emotionally or cheat upon in business, so need to keep your arms and eyes wide open for this whole month. Special care of the health is needed. Relationships with friends and relatives seems shaking due to missing trust. It’s a month of long laborious work without clear aim. It is time to travel to increase exposure and knowledge. You should explore an option of up skilling and hunt new possibilities in career.

Display your talent especially if you are singers, coaches, educationists, politicians and Lawyers. It’s best day to shop clothes, jewelry, books, decor, grains or travel bookings. Designers, hoteliers, anchors, life and sports coaches and financers, musicians to enjoy special achievements today. Please start your day with intake of tulsi ji in mouth.

MASTER COLOURS: Orange and Red

LUCKY DAY: Thursday

LUCKY NO: 3 and 6

DONATE: Awoken object in ashrams

NUMBER 4 (People born on 4th, 13th, 22, 31st)

The path of career you have will encounter you with challenges and hurdles for the first half of the month. So work hard and stop thinking much in order to focus at the bigger picture of success. It is a favorable time for those in medical field, intelligent services, law, auditing, defense and finance. Business deals or government orders will keep you hung. Major decision of related to property faces delay, do keep patience. Sales employees, IT employees, theater artist or actors, TV anchors and dancers must apply for competition, as bright chances to receive benefits. Manufacturers of construction material, metal and garments should anticipate new offer in business. Please keep five step bamboo plant on office table to keep to gain the pure energy of planet mercury.


LUCKY DAY: Tuesday and Friday

LUCKY NO: 9 and 6

DONATE: Clothes to poor

NUMBER 5 (People born on 5th, 14th, 23rd)

It’s a victory and reward month for sports guts as well as people fromact8ng and media industry. Excellent coordination between you and the boss and team mates, leads to win in all situations. Perform rituals of Lord Ganesha and take his blessing. Increase travel plans and accept leadership positions. You will receive complete support of family and friends to resolve long time issues.

Monetary profits seems high and growing, also likely to receive return on investment in property and stock. Capture you luck in export import, politics jewelry investment, Sports, events, competitive exams and interviews today. Your partner is totally supportive throughout whole month.


LUCKY DAY: Wednesday


DONATE: Green fruits to animals or in orphanage

NUMBER 6 (People born on 6th, 15th, 24th)

Remember to hide your emotions or financial plans as there is a possibility of deciding from somebody. You are likely to be celebrating, party, shopping, clubbing and travelling. Money and respect, both will be earned due to your beautiful social image. You should hold your habit of betting else will suffer. You will feel uncomfortable and detached at workplace this time.

Also an unfavorable time to invest in new business but can go out for dinner or shopping. Housewives, sportsman, property dealers, dermatologists, singers, designers, event management, brokers, chefs, Students to receive new accolades that enhances growth. Romantic relationship also seems quite low.




DONATE: Sugar in ashrams

NUMBER 7 (People born on 7th, 16th and 25th)

Your will feel like you are tied with a rope of responsibilities and therefore difficult to set free to live life on your terns. So, best remember to delegate your assignment and come out of certification obligations. Use metal instead of fabric or leather. You need to take the blessings of parents and listen to opposite gender while taking decisions.

Your plans for future will materialize soon as you are favorable to God and a special soul. Listen the suggestions of mother and other seniors. Share you plan with spouse and you will receive some great solutions. Someone is likely to pull you down but will not succeed. People in jewelry, lawyers, courier, pilots, politicians, theatre artist, CA, Software guys to face special luck.

MASTER COLOURS: Orange and teal


LUCKY NO: 7 and 3

DONATE: Metal vessel to domestic helper

NUMBER 8 (People born on 8th, 17th and 26th)

You can win in all the situations with loving words and kind attitude. Software engineers, sportsman, young politicians, educationists, makeup artists, designers. Overseas and training business grows leaps and bounce. Females in the family should remember to stay generous and avoid anger. Couples will stay happy and romantic today.

A fantastic month for those in love to make commitments. Business relations and deals to materialize. People in glamor industry and media will enjoy new offers and Politicians will cater great opportunities today. Students, trainers, musicians, writer, designers, doctors, lawyers, engineers and actors enjoy best of popularity.

MASTER COLOURS: Blue and grey

LUCKY DAY: Tuesday


DONATE: Food to animals

NUMBER 9 (People born on 9th, 18th and 27th)

There is loss of relationship or in new investment, so be extremely careful with words and money dealing. Mass media and political and go forward as per their plans. Budget your marketing strategies and household expenses due to which you can save a lot for future.

Married couple needs to spend more time to resolve issues brewing between them. IT employees and counselors enjoy name and fame but sport man need to wait more for opportunities and growth. Property related disputes should be avoided for discussion.


LUCKY DAY: Tuesday


DONATE: Yellow rice to beggars

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