Onion Extract With Metformin Can Significantly Lower Blood Sugar Levels; Know More
Onion Extract With Metformin Can Significantly Lower Blood Sugar Levels; Know More
The onion extract caused weight gain in nondiabetic rats but not in diabetic rats.

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition categorised on the basis of the insulin’s inability to process sugar which leads to high blood sugar levels. This happens because cells fail to absorb sugar. While the disease mostly occurs in people over the age of 40, it has increasingly become common in the youth today due to their poor dietary choices. However, there is a very common vegetable that can lower blood sugar levels by 50%. Found in every kitchen is onion, which is often used in curries.

People with type 2 diabetes suffer from insulin resistance and the chronic condition can be controlled with the help of a good diet and staying active through regular exercise or yoga. Moreover, according to the Independent UK, findings from 2015 presented at The Endocrine Society’s 97th Annual meeting in San Diego, USA revealed that onion bulb extract can “strongly lower high blood sugar levels and total cholesterol when given alongside metformin – an antibiotic drug.

Anthony Ojieh, Delta State University in Abraka, Nigeria, who is the lead author of the study said back then, “Onion is cheap and available and has been used as a nutritional supplement. It has the potential for use in treating patients with diabetes." The theory was tested on rats. During the study, three groups of rats with medically induced diabetes were given various doses of the onion extract to check the enhancement of the drug’s effect.


The doses were 200 mg, 400mg and 600 mg per kilogram by weight and the researchers also gave the drug-onion combination to three groups of nondiabetic rats with normal blood sugar.

The research revealed that those groups were given 400mg and 600mgg per Kg “strongly reduced" blood sugar levels by 50% and 35% respectively when compared to a baseline level. The onion extracts also lowered the total cholesterol levels significantly in diabetic rats.

The onion extract caused weight gain in nondiabetic rats but not in diabetic rats.

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