Swami Vivekananda Birth Anniversary: Life Lessons Taught By India's Greatest Spiritual Scientist
Swami Vivekananda Birth Anniversary: Life Lessons Taught By India's Greatest Spiritual Scientist
SWAMI VIVEKANANDA BIRTH ANNIVERSARY: The youth today can learn many lessons imparted by him, that remain as relevant today as ever

SWAMI VIVEKANANDA BIRTH ANNIVERSARY: Swami Vivekananda is regarded as one of India’s greatest spiritual figures. Born on January 12, 1863, in Calcutta, Vivekananda led a life that was as progressive as it was religious. He played an instrumental role in bringing the Vedanta doctrine to the West, as well as contributing to the spiritual advancements in India.

In 1984, the Government of India declared January 12 as National Youth Day in recognition of his laudable contribution to the youth. His life, from a humble beginning to attending the Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893 is exemplary. The youth today can learn many lessons imparted by him, that remain as relevant today as ever.

Read on to find 8 golden life lessons by Swami Vivekananda:

“Believe In Yourself And The World Will Be At Your Feet”

Swami Vivekananda believed that every individual had an array of potential. He also knew that people needed to acknowledge this. The advice was simple: not to bend your knees in front of the opinions of others. So long as you believe in yourself, nothing can stop you from achieving your goals.

“If You Ever Feel Afraid Of Anything, Always Turn Around And Face It. Never Think Of Running Away.”

Life comes with good and bad days. To live your life to the fullest, you must face the bad days thrown your way. Running away from these will only fill your life with regrets. Facing your fears can make the greatest difference in the world.

“Arise, Awake, And Stop Not Till The Goal Is Reached”

Swami Vivekananda believed that humans can overcome any hurdles thrown their way. All they need is the aid of persistence. If we are persistent enough while working towards something we can never fail. In the end, victory will be ours.

“In A Day, When You Don’t Come Across Any Problems – You Can Be Sure That You Are Travelling On A Wrong Path.”

We need to struggle to grow. Even a butterfly struggles to escape its chrysalis. This struggle, as hard as it might seem, is necessary to flap its wings to fly. The day we stop facing problems in life is the day we stunt our growth.

“Talk To Yourself Once In A Day, Otherwise You May Miss Meeting An Intelligent Person In This World.”

Whatever you do in your life it should bring you inner peace. Self-introspection can help you achieve that. Talking to yourself is necessary to understand what is it that you really want in life. It is also the time to guide yourself to the right path, and understand your innermost desires.

“You Have To Grow From The Inside Out. None Can Teach You, None Can Make You Spiritual. There Is No Other Teacher But Your Own Soul.”

No outside source in this world can help you transform unless you want to. This extends to all individuals in the world. Similarly, you cannot help someone unless they want to help themselves. Growth comes from the inside.

“Soul Has No Sex, It Is Neither Male Nor Female. It Is Only In The Body That Sex Exists, And The Man Who Desires To Reach The Spirit Cannot At The Same Time Hold Sex Distinctions.”

The supreme power has made all humans equal. As his creations, we hold no right to practice discrimination. Whether it is based on religion, caste, or gender, these distinctions are created by us. With us, they can end.

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