Code Effort's Revolutionary Solution to Cigarette Butt Pollution | WATCH
Code Effort's Revolutionary Solution to Cigarette Butt Pollution | WATCH
Trillions of cigarette filters thrown mindlessly away prove toxic to the environment, burdening governments worldwide. Code Effort has taken on the challenge of confronting cigarette butt pollution head-on

Code Effort, a Noida-based startup has come up with a groundbreaking approach to address cigarette butt pollution. Trillions of cigarette filters thrown mindlessly away prove toxic to the environment, burdening governments worldwide. Code Effort has taken on the challenge of confronting cigarette butt pollution head-on.

Living in a flat with roommates, Naman Gupta, the founder of Code Effort, was concerned by the rapid filling of the ashtray. Realizing the burden of cigarette waste on the environment, the idea of converting this waste into a resource dawned upon him. The idea led to the creation of India’s first cigarette waste recycling centre that has recycled over 200 crore cigarette butts since its inception.

The transformation from cigarette waste to stuffed toys, yarn, and even fabric, is dramatic. The process begins by employing local rag pickers to collect cigarette waste. Cigarette butts are then meticulously separated from other waste, with the paper, leftover tobacco leaves, and the filter.

Watch the Process Here

The collected waste paper is then sent to other places for recycling, where it is converted into envelopes and paper bags. The leftover tobacco leaves are transformed into manure, benefiting nurseries in and around the village.

Code Effort’s impact extends beyond environmental conservation. Through the recycling centre, they have created employment opportunities for over 100 rural women with work-from-home options and support more than 2000 rag pickers.

The journey of Code Effort from waste to wonder is a testament to the power of innovation and sustainability in creating a better world.

DISCLAIMER: Let there be no mistake. Smoking is extremely harmful to health. The interview title on YouTube, “Thank You For Smoking," was inspired by a movie title and was not meant to encourage smoking. Smoking remains harmful, and it is crucial to prioritise health and avoid smoking.

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