Buoyed by Exit Poll Results, Amit Shah to Host Dinner for NDA Leaders Tomorrow
Buoyed by Exit Poll Results, Amit Shah to Host Dinner for NDA Leaders Tomorrow
Exit poll results predicted that Narendra Modi was likely to beat all odds and create history by being the leader of the first non-Congress led alliance to return to power at the Centre, possibly by a bigger margin this time.

Buoyed by the results of exit polls, which predicted a clean sweep for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), party chief Amit Shah is all set to host dinner for NDA leaders on Tuesday. The Union council of ministers is also likely to meet the same day.

The development follows the outcome of exit polls on Sunday, which predicted that not only was there a Modi wave in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, but this wave was bigger than the ‘TsuNamo’ of 2014. Narendra Modi is likely to beat all odds and create history by being the leader of the first non-Congress led alliance to return to power at the Centre, possibly by a bigger margin this time.

In such a scenario, the BJP would make attempts to keep its flock together, especially when parties such as the JD(U) have reminded the party of its “alliance dharma”.

While the BJP has expressed confidence that it will exceed even the exit poll figure, the Congress has clarified that it will wait for May 23, the day results are announced. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee too rubbished the exit polls as “gossip” and refused to pay attention to them.

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