Women power pushes up Bihar poll turnout
Women power pushes up Bihar poll turnout
While the voting turn out of males was 50.77 per cent, the women turn out was 54.85 per cent.

New Delhi: Greater participation of women in the democratic exercise pushed up the voting percentage in Bihar Assembly Elections this time by around seven per cent compared to five years ago.

The cumulative voting percentage in the six-phase polls rose to 52.43 per cent this year, up from 45.85 per cent recorded in October 2005 Assembly election and 44.46 per cent in 2009 Lok Sabha elections in the state.

While the voting turn out of males was 50.77 per cent, the women turn out was 54.85 per cent. It was a quantum jump, Election Commission officials in New Delhi said.

And for a change, the state did not report a single case of booth-capturing. "This was the most peaceful election ever" held in Bihar", Chief Election Commission SY Qureshi said in New Delhi at the end of last phase of staggered polling.

Qureshi said EC is fully geared to ensure a peaceful and fair counting of votes on November 24 and has appointed independent observers for the purpose.

The sixth phase of polling in 26 Maoist-hit constituencies on Saturday recorded 50.98 per cent of turn out, which was attributed to absence of fear, voter awareness campaigns and scientific poll-management.

Qureshi said the Commission carried out air, water and land surveillance to ensure security during polls and four helicopters were also used for the purpose.

Election Commission had for the first time appointed micro observers at around ten thousand polling booths of the states for better monitoring of the polling exercise, he added.

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