Bitly introduces mobile deep links that can open apps
Bitly introduces mobile deep links that can open apps
This means that mobile users who click on a mobile deep linked Bitlink will be automatically taken to the same content, within a corresponding app.

New Delhi: The rise of smartphones have also meant that the Internet traffic has been rapidly moving to mobile and companies are investing sizeable resources in mobile app development and would therefore also like more users to consume content within their apps.

To fulfill this desire of its customers, Bitly - the popular link shortening service - has introduced mobile deep linking feature as part of its Bitly Brand Tools.

"Marketers can use the Bitlinks they create through Bitly Brand Tools as a tool to drive app installs and re-engagement," the company said in a blog post.

This addition means that mobile users who click on a mobile deep linked Bitlink will be automatically taken to the same content, within the corresponding app. If that app isn't installed, users will be invited to download the app or taken to the mobile web experience.

These links will continue to work the same as they have for desktop users.

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