Google Maps to warn if your destination will close before you reach
Google Maps to warn if your destination will close before you reach
Estimating the time of you arrival to the destination, Google Maps will now show a warning that reads, “Your destination may be closed by the time you arrive.”

New Delhi: Google has made its mapping service a tad smarter now. Apart from showing you the route to a location, it will now also tell if a store or your destination place is about to close down for the day.

Estimating the time of you arrival to the destination, Google Maps will now show a warning that reads, “Your destination may be closed by the time you arrive,” along with information about the working hours of that store.

Although a late addition, this ability is helpful for all those who drive late on the highway or those looking for party spots in a different city.

A report on Mashable notes that the information about the opening and closing hours of an establishment had already been available on Google Maps, however, the warning message would now make the details more prominent for the users to see.

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