HDFC Bank Warns Customers Should Stop Doing These Things To Avoid Getting Hacked
HDFC Bank Warns Customers Should Stop Doing These Things To Avoid Getting Hacked
Banking apps are used by many people on their smartphones but did you know that some of your basic mistakes can leave you open to getting hacked?

Online banking is extremely convenient and popular but that makes it an easy target for hackers. HDFC Bank has realised the need to warn its customers about the perils of online banking, and any misstep can be disastrous for people. We already know that tips like sharing password and personal details with strangers is a big no, and also needing to download banking apps from genuine sources is an obvious advice that everyone would give. But HDFC Bank is bringing more possible avenues that can be exploited by hackers and people might not actually be aware of these things.

HDFC Bank Warning For Customers: Stop Doing These Things Right Away

Don’t Keep Your Phone’s Bluetooth On All The Time

We use Bluetooth on phones to connect with earphones, laptops and other gadgets. But HDFC Bank suggests you turn Bluetooth off when you are not using it. And there is a big reason for this advice as it can allow hackers to bypass your phone’s security and gain remote access to deploy different attacks.

Don’t Just Force Close Apps, Just Log Out

People have this habit of forcefully closing apps on their phones which makes them believe their data has been wiped out and they are logged out of different accounts. However, that’s not the case, HDFC Bank says force closing is not enough when using banking apps and tells people to first log out from their account and then close it.

Using Bank Apps On Public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi networks can be a heaven for hackers, especially if you get tempted into connecting to their supposed free internet service. But even if you decide to use them at airports or cafes, never use or log into your banking apps on these networks. For all you know, the bad actor can intercept your activities which gives them easy access to your bank account, HDFC Bank clearly warns.

Using Same PIN or Lock Pattern For All Apps

Too many apps mean you need to remember different PINs and some of you feel it is better to have one PIN for all the apps. HDFC Bank asks people to avoid following this practice, especially for bank apps, as it could make it really easy for the hackers to identify the four-digit PIN and misuse your device and account.

Don’t Keep Bank Apps When Giving Phone For Repair

If your phone is going to be at the service centre for a few days, it is best advised to uninstall the banking apps before handing over your device to them. Yes, the process isn’t convenient every time, but at least you can be safe from possible hacking attempts.

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