Insurance company will offer you a discount if you let them track when you are having sex
Insurance company will offer you a discount if you let them track when you are having sex
The activity trackers do not just monitor the times you take the stairs or play golf to burn calories, but any exercise that you undergo, including your intimate moments.

New Delhi: An American insurance company aims to offer its customers discounts and freebies who agree to wear an activity tracker that could, of course, monitor your sex activities!

Traditionally insurance companies based their offerings on your medical history and age, among other factors. However, insurance company John Hancock has decided to leverage the technological progress in the world and offer people a free Fitbit monitor when they sign up for their policies.

A report on notes that the Fitbit monitor can be set to automatically upload activity levels to the insurer and the most active customers may earn a discount of up to 15 per cent on their premiums, in addition to Amazon gift cards, half-price stays at Hyatt hotels and other perks.

While it may seem bizarre in the first place, those who have been sharing their activities with their insurer have said that they get points or monetary rewards for good behavior or achieving the goals set by their activity tracker.

The catch here is that these activity trackers do not just monitor the times you take the stairs or play golf to burn calories, but any exercise that you undergo, including your intimate moments.

The set of ideas that come next are eerier than presumed. The data that these activity trackers fire out to insurance or health companies if teamed up with GPS location data could also tell where and with whom you got lucky that night. One way to escape this situation is either to not opt for insurance policies or take off the tracker if you don't want to earn points for your other activities.

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