Meet the first iPhone, released a decade before the first Apple iPhone
Meet the first iPhone, released a decade before the first Apple iPhone
The Infogear iPhone, launched in 1998, combined an advanced telephone with a touch screen and keyboard.

The first iPhone was launched in 1998, not in 2007 when Apple launched its revolutionary smartphone. The InfoGear iPhone combined an advanced telephone with a touch screen and keyboard, allowing users to talk by phone and e-mail, as well as browse the Internet.

The iPhone had two separate phone lines so that the user can surf the web, send e-mail, or shop and bank online while talking on the phone. The iPhone recognised four different e-mail profiles so that a family of four could share the iPhone without sharing an e-mail address.

InfoGear Technology Corporation was later purchased by Cisco and the release of the first iPhone on January 9, 2007 was followed by a trademark dispute between Cisco and Apple that was soon resolved.

The original Infogear iPhonePhoto: Getty Images

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