More users consuming news via Facebook, Twitter: Study
More users consuming news via Facebook, Twitter: Study
Users of all genders, ages, races, demographics, education levels, and household incomes claimed that they consumed news through the site.

New Delhi: Facebook and Twitter, two of the world’s biggest social networks, are also one of the fastest growing source of news for the people, a new research has revealed.

The Pew Research Centre found that more than half of all Facebook and Twitter users get news from the sites, a significant increase for both services since 2013.

A Wired report notes that despite Facebook’s major audience comprising of teens or millennials, the research concludes that users of all genders, ages, races, demographics, education levels, and household incomes claimed that they consumed news through the site.

Both sites have been pushing aggressively for more user engagement onto their platforms with Trending stories and Instant Articles on Facebook, and Twitter’s purchase of live video-streaming service Periscope and curated event-based feeds.

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