NASA offers patents' licences to startups, no up-front payment needed
NASA offers patents' licences to startups, no up-front payment needed
Startups have the opportunity to choose from over 1,200 patented NASA technologies that range from materials and coatings to sensors, aeronautics technologies, instrumentation and more.

New Delhi: NASA is starting a new initiative under which it will allow startup companies to licence patented NASA technology to build new products and services.

Designed by NASA's Technology Transfer Program within the Office of the Chief Technologist, highlight of the Startup NASA initiative is that it addresses two common problems startups face: raising capital and securing intellectual property rights. The initiative has thus been designed at encouraging the growth of high- tech businesses without any up-front payment.

Startups have the opportunity to choose from over 1,200 patented NASA technologies that range from materials and coatings to sensors, aeronautics technologies, instrumentation and more.

NASA’s chief technologist David Miller says, “The Startup NASA initiative leverages the results of our cutting-edge research and development so entrepreneurs can take that research -- and some risks -- to create new products and new services.”

All that a startup needs to further American innovation and research in the field of science and technology is to fill out an online application and submit it through the website for a particular technology from the online patent portfolio covering 15 categories.

NASA makes it clear that while the licence itself is free, the start-up companies must adhere to the certain guidelines to be part of the initiative.

The guidelines, as stated in the NASA press release, read:

-This offer is open only to companies formed with the express intent of commercializing the licenced NASA technology.

-"No up-front payment" means NASA waives the initial licencing fees, and there are no minimum fees for the first three years.

-Once the company starts selling a product, NASA will collect a standard net royalty fee. This money goes first to the inventor and then to maintaining the agency's technology transfer activities and technology advancement.

-This announcement applies only to non-exclusive licences, which means other companies may apply for similar rights to use the technology for commercial purposes. However, NASA will consider further exclusivity if the start-up wishes to negotiate.

-Companies entering into these licences are bound by all requirements in federal licensing statutes and NASA policies, including development of a commercialization plan and reporting on efforts to achieve practical application.

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