Slack Brings New ‘Lists’ Feature To Help People Easily Track Their Work Projects: All Details
Slack Brings New ‘Lists’ Feature To Help People Easily Track Their Work Projects: All Details
Slack is bringing the new feature to simplify the workflow and help people manage their projects in a cohesive manner.

Salesforce-owned Slack has introduced new lists feature that promises to help you manage projects across organisations. In simpler works, the new Slack feature allows users to manage, coordinate, and track various projects from a marketing campaign or approval processes to a simple list of priorities without leaving the application.

Following the addition of canvas documents, huddle meetings calls, and video and audio message “clips,” lists is the latest major feature to come to the app in recent years. It performs similarly to specialised, best-of-breed work management apps available on the market.

The company confirmed that lists would be included in all paid plans and would be available to all Slack users in the coming months, bringing work management capabilities to the collaboration app.

Each list consists of rows of task “items,” with columns containing information on fields such as assignee, status, due date, and priority. Moreover, there is a Kanban-style board view, in which items are presented on item cards that may be moved between columns as needed, such as from “in progress” to “done.”

Slack CEO Denise Dresser said that the key benefit of Slack lists is that project coordination can occur where work discussions already take place. “When projects are failing, it’s because the work of executing a project or task is outside of where conversations are happening,” said Dresser.

In addition to that, additional files, including video message clips or canvas documents, can be uploaded to provide context around a particular task. A list can be shared across Slack with channels, colleagues, and external collaborators added via Slack Connect.

The company also said that it is planning to soon integrate Slack AI, the generative AI (genAI) assistant that costs an additional $10 per user each month with lists. It will enable project recaps and see list project information surfaced in genAI-powered search results.

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