Take A Tour of Our Moon in This 4K Video by NASA LRO Spacecraft
Take A Tour of Our Moon in This 4K Video by NASA LRO Spacecraft
The near side, far-side, north and south poles of the moon shown in breathtaking 4k resolution visuals.

It is a distant possibility for many to be able to experience the Moon in reality. The next best thing, however, is observing the lunar surface in a virtual capacity. American space organisation NASA has made possible just that with a recent video that has been curtailed from a series of footages from its Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, a NASA spacecraft that is currently orbiting the Moon in a polar mapping orbit. What's more, the footage has been captured in a 4k resolution, making the entire experience even more immersive for the earthlings.

The NASA video has been created by compiling the data received from the orbiter since the start of its mission, back in 2009. The entire video, starting from our Moon's western border where the near side of the Moon meets the far side, takes on a breathtaking journey through the lunar craters as wide as 2500 kms and as deep as 13 kms; through interiors of the Moon, its south pole, its plateaus and many more such significant spots while revealing much information about the same. The video also shows the left-behind equipment of the Apollo 17 Lunar Lander including its bottom half and the rover vehicle.

Though the data collected by the LRO has helped the organisation know much about our immediate neighbour in space, the video is more of an experience for the space enthusiasts than an explanatory piece. So if you want to have a close look at our beloved moon too, here is the video released by NASA:


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