What Causes Bad Breath And How To Get Rid Of It; Expert Explains
What Causes Bad Breath And How To Get Rid Of It; Expert Explains
Regular tongue cleaning is the most effective approach to prevent bad breath, according to Dr. Daze

Bad breath can be extremely embarrassing, particularly in crowds or during intimate moments with your partner. You would think that brushing your teeth two times a day would get rid of a bad breath problem but in some cases, it persists even after brushing. So what is the reason for it and why does this happen? Research has proven that if you brush your teeth after waking up and before sleeping, it prevents gum disease and tooth decay but it cannot stop bad breath.

British dentist Dr Daze Singh told Metro that people frequently don’t thoroughly brush the tongue and cheeks. It emits an unpleasant odour if it is not cleaned. Dead cells, food fragments, and a lot of germs can be found in the interior regions of the tongue and cheeks. These germs can develop if cleaning is neglected, leading to foul breath. This can lead to halitosis too.

Regular tongue cleaning is the most effective approach to prevent bad breath, according to Dr. Daze. Additionally, use a brush to gently clean the inner regions of the cheeks. You may get rid of the sticky film of bacteria that builds up on them by doing this on a regular basis. By doing this, major illnesses like periodontitis and gingivitis will be avoided. Make extra sure to use a toothbrush with soft bristles while cleaning your inner cheeks. Most cases of foul breath, or halitosis, are brought on by oral bacteria, especially those that reside on the tongue. Odor-causing bacteria can be eliminated from the tongue by brushing or scraping it.

It could be challenging to concentrate your efforts on these surfaces because of their extreme smoothness. Although every area of your mouth needs care, a good mouthwash works better to clean your cheeks. Mouthwash is composed of unique components that provide long-lasting fresh breath in addition to eliminating bacteria and germs.

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