Australian Elections 2022: Kim Jong Un Lookalike Crashes Morrison’s Poll Campaign
Australian Elections 2022: Kim Jong Un Lookalike Crashes Morrison’s Poll Campaign
The Kim Jong Un impersonator warned Australians that a vote for the ruling party is akin to voting for the Chinese Communist Party.

Members of Australian prime minister Scott Morrison’s team were surprised on Friday when a North Korean leader Kim Jong Un impersonator crashed his event in Australia’s Chisholm electorate.

The man claimed he was Howard X – who is also well-known for impersonating North Korea’s so-called ‘supreme leader’ during the 2018 US-North Korea summit in Singapore – and he said that he dodged the security to enter the manufacturing facility where Morrison was campaigning.

The Kim Jong Un impersonator also spoke to media persons and joked with them as well as with people present in the factory. There was another moment worth noting when Howard X told people present that a vote for the governing Liberal National Coalition would be a vote for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

“Thank you very much. Gladys Liu is the communist candidate for Australia,” he further added.

A member of Morrison’s team asked him to leave, to which the Kim-impersonator quipped by saying, “You don’t tell a Supreme Leader what to do.”

Howard X chose not to answer questions on whether he was part of a political party or movement, but Australian senate candidate and China critic Drew Pavlou said he earlier discussed Howard X’s visit to Chisholm.

He even tweeted that he cannot ‘confirm or deny’ if he was in contact with Kim Jong Un impersonators.

While speaking to Bloomberg News, he also joked that he may have been part of the prank. In another tweet he said that it was ‘one of the best things we’ve ever managed’ Pavlou said on his Twitter account. “Love you, Howard, you beautiful genius.”

Pavlou alleges that Chisholm MP Liu, a Chinese-Australian, has ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) which could further endanger Australia’s national security.

Liu, prime minister Morrison and others accused the Labour Party of ‘sewer tactics’ against her claiming that the opposition made racist remarks to smear her.

“If anyone suggests that Chinese-Australians are any different from all other Australians, whether they were born here or not. I think this offensive, divisive, and un-Australian,” Liu was quoted as saying by Sky Australia.

Australia will go to polls on May 21 and prime minister Scott Morrison’s centre-right Liberal National Coalition is currently trailing the opposition Labour Party in opinion polls.

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