Indo-Japanese Partnership During Covid-19 More Relevant for Global Stability: PM Modi
Indo-Japanese Partnership During Covid-19 More Relevant for Global Stability: PM Modi
The PM was speaking after virtually inaugurating a Japanese Zen garden and Kaizen Academy set up at the premises of the Ahmedabad Management Association.

The Indo-Japanese partnership during the Covid-19 crisis is more relevant for global stability and prosperity, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Sunday. He was speaking after virtually inaugurating a Japanese Zen garden and Kaizen Academy set up at the premises of the Ahmedabad Management Association (AMA) here.

Modi in his address via video conference said the opening of the Zen garden and the Kaizen Academy in Ahmedabad will deepen ties between the two countries. “The current Prime Minister of Japan, Yoshihide Suga, is a very straight-forward person. PM Suga and I believe during this Covid-19 pandemic crisis, the Indo-Japanese friendship and our partnership has become even more relevant for global stability and prosperity. Today, when we are facing several global challenges, it is the need of the time that our friendship and relationship get stronger day by day,” Modi said, adding that efforts like setting up of the Kaizen Academy are a beautiful reflection of this relationship.

“I would like the Kaizen Academy to spread the work culture of Japan in India, and increase business interaction between the two countries. We also have to give new energy to the efforts already going on in this direction. I am sure our efforts will continue like this, and India and Japan will together reach new heights of development,” he said.

Pointing to the similarities between ‘Zen’ and Indian ‘Dhyan’, the Prime Minister dwelled on the emphasis on inner peace along with outer progress and growth in the two cultures. “Indians will find the glimpse of the same peace, poise and simplicity in this Zen garden, which they experienced in Yoga through the ages. Buddha gave this ‘Dhyan’ this enlightenment to the world,” he said.

Modi also said whenever he talks to former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe, the latter recalls his visit to Gujarat. ‘Zen-Kaizen’ at the AMA seeks to showcase several elements of Japanese art, culture, landscape and architecture. It is a joint endeavour of the Japan Information and Study Centre at AMA and the Indo-Japan Friendship Association (IJFA), Gujarat, supported by the Hyogo International Association (HIA), Japan, a release earlier said.

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