Roberto Carlos' Delhi Dynamos eyeing top spot ahead of Mumbai City FC clash
Roberto Carlos' Delhi Dynamos eyeing top spot ahead of Mumbai City FC clash
Delhi are behind Pune just on goal difference as both the teams have 13 points but Delhi have played one game less than the team from Maharashtra.

New Delhi: Delhi Dynamos' marquee player-cum-manager Roberto Carlos wants his team to leapfrog FC Pune City at the top of the league table when they face Mumbai City FC on Friday in the Indian Super League (ISL) match at the Jawaharlal Nehru stadium here.

Delhi are behind Pune just on goal difference as both the teams have 13 points but Delhi have played one game less than the team from Maharashtra. Carlos sees Mumbai match a great opportunity for Dynamos to go top of the table as Mumbai are having an inconsistent tournament so far.

"Mumbai are a good team, but our goal is to go ahead of Pune. It’s very important for us to win tomorrow [Friday] so that we can top the table. But Mumbai is a great team,” Carlos told reporters in a pre-match conference.

The last time these two teams met, Mumbai came out on top with a 2-0 win. When asked what has he and his team learnt from the match, the former Real Madrid defender said, “You can’t underestimate any team and ISL is very competitive. So we have to be extra cautious when we play Mumbai tomorrow."

Delhi have so far scored the least number of goals (six) among all eight teams but somehow are second in the table. When asked if it is something to worry about - Carlos quickly said "no".

"The goals will come. I'm not going to pressurize my players. They will score when the opportunity comes. We are in the top half of the table. It’s more than enough. Maybe my strikers wake up lucky and score two each against Mumbai,” the Brazilian added.

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