12 Signs Your House May Be Haunted
12 Signs Your House May Be Haunted
Off-putting smells, bizarre sounds, and strange temperature drops are all potential signs that something paranormal is at work in a building. But how can you be totally certain? While the jury’s still out on whether ghosts and hauntings actually exist, there’s plenty of evidence out there to support your case if you believe in the supernatural. We’ll go over all the key signs of a haunting, along with what you can do if a building has some bad vibes.
Common Signs of Hauntings

Key Signs of a Haunting

You hear weird noises. Maybe you hear some whispering down the hall when you’re home alone or detect some unexplained creaks on the stairs when nobody’s around. Any type of weird, unexplainable sound can be potential proof of a paranormal presence in the residence. Did You Know? Some spiritual enthusiasts believe in the existence of “residual hauntings.” These are unconventional hauntings that revolve around the energy of previous events rather than individual spirits. This type of haunting could possibly explain bizarre sounds. What to keep in mind: There are plenty of non-supernatural reasons that a home could be making odd sounds, like issues with your plumbing, water heater, furnace, HVAC system, etc. Don’t jump to conclusions until you’ve ruled out all possible explanations for the weird noises!

You smell something strange. Something stinks—and no, it’s not because of anything you or anyone else had for lunch. You might also smell something completely uncharacteristic, like the smell of cigar (when you and your housemates don’t smoke). What to keep in mind: Smelling random, unexplainable things is actually a medical condition known as phantosmia. It’s linked with a variety of medical conditions (medication reactions, psychological trauma, etc.), so double-check with your doctor to see if this phenomenon could be happening to you.

The temperature changes suddenly. One minute, the air feels completely normal; the next, you feel a shiver run down your spine as the temperature drops. “Cold spots” are one of the most well-known and notorious signs of the paranormal, and they can definitely signify that a building is being haunted. What to keep in mind: There are plenty of reasons a space might have an inconsistent temperature, including issues with the HVAC system. Make sure that you’ve ruled out all plausible explanations before using a cold spot as proof of the paranormal.

Your electricity is on the fritz. Perhaps a lamp randomly turns on or off (without a timer), or some other electrical device activates of its own accord. Strange electrical phenomena can definitely point to something supernatural underfoot. What to keep in mind: If electrical issues are common in the building, confirm with an electrician that there’s nothing wrong with the wiring.

Items in your home keep moving to different spots. Yikes—that one object definitely isn’t where you left it before, and no one around you apparently touched it. A spiritual presence can definitely be responsible for objects changing location without a good explanation. In more extreme cases, you might even see items sail across the room. What to keep in mind: Make sure that your family members/housemates aren’t moving your things around! Keep a written record of when and where items go missing/get misplaced, so you can confirm that you didn’t accidentally move the object and then forget about it.

You can’t shake the feeling that someone’s watching you. Even if you’re totally alone, you can’t eliminate the sense that you’re caught in someone’s sights. A ghost could definitely be responsible for this sensation. What to keep in mind: It’s important to note that paranoia can be connected to something medical or psychological, like childhood trauma, depression, anxiety, a poor sleep schedule, and more. Check in with a doctor or mental health professional to rule out these possibilities before assuming that ghosts are at fault.

Your pets seem antsy and agitated. Many spiritual hobbyists believe that pets are plugged into the supernatural in a way that people just aren’t. If your pet behaves strangely around a specific area of your home, there might be something supernatural at play. What to keep in mind: Our pets’ senses are often a lot better than ours, especially when it comes to smelling and hearing. If your dog starts acting strangely, they might just be responding to something you can’t physically sense. The same applies to kitties—cats also have great senses of smell and hearing.

Your dreams are totally weird. In Netflix’s third season of Unsolved Mysteries, Jodi Foster (not the celebrity) recalls her experience living in an apartment that was once rented by Marie Elizabeth Spannhake, a young woman who went missing in the 1970s. While living in the apartment, Foster would dream of horrible things happening to a young woman (assumed to be Spannhake), which she eventually reported to police. So, if you start having bizarre, unexplainable dreams, they could be connected to something supernatural. What to keep in mind: Intense dreams can be linked to completely explainable circumstances, like stress, trauma, and grief. There are plenty of rational ways to interpret them.

Weird circles of light pop up in your photos. Many spiritual hobbyists believe that photos with orbs of light have actually captured evidence of the supernatural. If the photos you take in a certain building frequently have weird orbs in them, a haunting might be the cause. What to keep in mind: A variety of tiny elements in a given space (e.g., dust, bugs, etc.) can manifest as orbs in a picture.

You don’t feel like your usual self. There’s getting around it—your vibes are off, and you can’t help but feel that something is influencing you. This unpleasant influence can be felt to an uncomfortable degree, and something paranormal might be the reason for it. What to keep in mind: A great number of health and lifestyle factors can influence your mood and well-being, like your diet, sleep schedule, stress levels, and even the weather. If mood changes are deeply impacting your life, meet with a doctor before assuming that something sinister is to blame.

You spot a ghost. You definitely saw something strange, and have yet to come up with a good explanation for what it was. It’s not a far stretch to assume that something paranormal popped up in front of you, especially if you’ve ruled out who it could’ve been. What to keep in mind: Make sure your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you! A shadow or light reflection can easily look like more than it actually is.

You’ve detected ectoplasm around your home. According to spiritual enthusiasts, ectoplasm is a physical, light-colored type of matter that’s left behind by spirits. If you spot some strange, unexplainable substance in a given space, ectoplasm (or, more specifically, a ghost) could be to blame. What to keep in mind: Consider the location you find the ectoplasm. An icky mess in your kitchen, for example, could be chalked up to leftover food waste.

What to Do Next

Dig up some dirt on your home’s past. Sneak a peek at the newspaper archives at your local library, or investigate the paperwork related to the building (e.g., building permits, house records, etc.). Try to figure out if someone passed away in the building or if something else tragic happened—while this alone won’t eliminate any spirits from your home, it may give you a better understanding of what’s going on. A simple Google search of the address in question can shed some light on tragic events that occurred at the property.

Cleanse the area using sound waves, smoke, or water. Engage the elements to cleanse away any bad or off-putting vibes in the space. There are several ways to do this, including: Fire/air: Light the end of a sage bundle on fire and wave the smoke around the building to help purify the space. Palo Santo can also work for this. Sound: Use a singing bowl as you move around the space. The positive vibrations you create with the bowl can have a purifying effect. Water: Fill a bowl with water and stick your hand inside. Toss some water droplets all over the space to help cleanse and purify it. When you do this, feel free to repeat a prayer that feels right to you.

Protect yourself with bright light. Close your eyes and envision a bright, white ball of light inside of you. Pretend that this light is coating every inch of you and offering protection. With this simple visualization technique, you can boost your aura and protect yourself against any negative spiritual forces. Some spiritual enthusiasts also suggest performing a cleansing protective spell on yourself before you go to sleep.

Completely disregard the spiritual presence in your home. Ghosts are a lot like school bullies—if you refuse to give them the time of day, they’ll start to leave you alone. Just go about your day like no one’s there, and, with any luck, the spirits should buzz off. Ouija boards are never a good idea, and many spiritual enthusiasts advise against using them. There’s no real way to know who you’re talking to, so it’s not worth the risk.

Call a spiritual professional for help. Whether it’s a medium or a paranormal investigator, a spiritual expert is a great person to call if you feel totally out of options. Even if they can’t get rid of the ghosts entirely, they may help you better understand what you’re dealing with (or at least confirm that you are, in fact, dealing with a haunting).

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