Everything You Need to Know about the Triangle in Palmistry
Everything You Need to Know about the Triangle in Palmistry
In palmistry, every line etched in your palm holds a specific meaning, from clues to your love life to the smoothest path to success for you. If two or more lines meet to create a triangle, that means something, too, depending on which lines are intersecting. If you notice a triangle shape in your palm, keep reading for an in-depth analysis of what it could mean for your relationships, career, and future in general.
Triangle in Palm Reading: Quick Overview

Types of Triangles

Elemental triangle An elemental triangle can be found in the center of the palm. Usually created via the intersection of the life, head, and heart lines, the elemental triangle points to a balanced person with well-rounded characteristics. People with this triangle are typically perceived to be grounded, logical, and reliable. You can trust someone with this shape in their palm to make good choices, treat others fairly, and seek to live a harmonious life.

Pyschic triangle Also known as the mystic triangle, the psychic triangle is located in the area under the ring finger. Seeing a pyramid shape could point to a past life in Ancient Egypt, while seeing a small triangle could suggest that this person will encounter many different souls in life. Those with this triangle placement may have to do spiritual work and healing in order to lead a successful life. If one side of this triangle is created by the fate line, the person is likely meant for a life of exploring their psychic ability. This new shape is called the quadrangle.

Money triangle Also known as the success triangle, the money triangle is a great predictor of financial success. This type of triangle is created when lines intersect below the ring or little finger. If this shape is especially large, prominent, and well-defined, there’s even more potential for wealth and prosperity. Additionally, this triangle is a good sign of financial literacy and good money management skills in general. Those marked by this shape are thought to be very fortunate in life.

Creative triangle This triangle can highlight a person’s artistic talents, created by intersecting lines in the bottom area of the palm, close to the thumb. This shape is reserved for highly creative people who are typically skilled with their hands when it comes to making art, playing an instrument, or writing. A well-defined creative triangle signals someone with a wonderful imagination, who can put on paper what they visualize in their mind. Those with this triangle should nurture their creative abilities as they are likely to find success with them.

Spiritual triangle Appearing at the base of the palm, having a spiritual triangle denotes a person with a strong connection to the divine. People with this placement have the ability to do a lot of internal work toward spiritual healing, englightenment, and growth. Having a deeply defined triangle here points to a person with a true desire to understand themselves and others on an intentional level, with strong spiritual ties to nature and the universe. It can imply a need for transformation and reaching a higher consciousness.

What Other Shapes in the Palm Mean

Chains A chain, or link, shape suggests the person is likely to encounter different obstacles on the path to success, originating in childhood. A chain on or near your heart line could mean issues in your love life, while one near your head line could speak to problems with focusing. The length of the chain reflects how long the conflict will take to resolve in your life.

Crosses The placement of a cross shape is key in deciphering their meaning. They can be positive or negative, pointing to either long-term problems or changes for the better. Crosses on or near your fate line could mean that you may encounter enemies who will try to hurt you down the line. A cross could also shine a light on a person’s level of spiritual awareness.

Dots Dots are difficult to see on the palm as they could be very small, but using a magnifying glass could help. They are not viewed as positive since they typically denote “spotty” health, issues in relationships, and a life of many challenges overall. If dots are in a pattern, this suggests the length of time of your potential distress, insecurity, or crises. Dots may disappear after the conflict has been resolved.

Islands Islands can be composed of small lines or dots, and usually indicate a period of turmoil and disruptions in life. Whether they represent troubles in one’s personal or professional life, islands are considered bad omens. If the island shape appears at the end of the life line, this could imply a tragic end.

Stars A star-like shape on the palm is generally considered to be a sign of good fortune, specific to the area of the palm that it’s found in. If a star is found at the end of a line, it could indicate high achievement in that area of your life. However, the fate line is an exception, as a star shape near or on it could reflect a period of conflict.

Squares When found along line breaks, squares signal that the person is protected by a guardian angel or other benign outside figure. However, if it’s on or near a line without any breaks, it could function as a period of imprisonment or lack of freedom. Don’t worry, this time is typically only temporary.

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