Types of Middle Lip Piercings
Labret Labrets are the most common middle lip piercing, and they are located just below the center of your lower lip. The outside of the jewelry is visible below your lower lip, but the inside is hidden inside your mouth. Cost: ~$35-50 USD Pain Level: 3/10 Healing Time: 6-8 weeks Type of Jewelry: Jewelry with a ball on the front and a disc on the back or rings after healing Choose this piercing if: You have full lips or round lips
Vertical labret Vertical labrets are located in the center of your lower lip. One end of the jewelry sits on top of your lower lip, and the other end is visible below your lower lip. Vertical labrets don’t go into your mouth, so they won’t damage your gums or teeth. Cost: ~$40-80 USD Pain Level: 5/10 Healing Time: 6-8 weeks Type of Jewelry: Curved barbells Choose this piercing if: You have a full bottom lip
Medusa A medusa piercing, or a philtrum piercing, is located just above the middle of your upper lip. The outside of the jewelry is visible in your philtrum (the little groove above your upper lip), and the disc keeping it in place is inside your mouth. Cost: ~$35-80 USD Pain Level: 4/10 Healing Time: 2-3 months Type of Jewelry: Flat-backed philtrum jewelry Choose this piercing if: You have heart-shaped lips or a fuller top lip
Ashley Ashley piercings are located through the middle of your lower lip so only one end of the jewelry is visible. Cost: ~$40-80 USD Pain Level: 4/10 Healing Time: 3-4 months Type of Jewelry: Labret jewelry with a disc-shaped back Choose this piercing if: You have round lips or a fuller bottom lip
Jestrum Jestrum piercings are positioned in the middle of your top lip. The top end of the jewelry goes through your Philip and the bottom end pokes out through the bottom of your top lip. Cost: ~$30-60 USD Pain Level: 7/10 Healing Time: 4-6 months Type of Jewelry: Curved barbells Choose this piercing if: You have heart-shaped lips or a full top lip
Dolphin bites Dolphin bites are 2 small piercings that are both below the center of your bottom lip. They get their name because the piercings are close together and look like a dolphin bit your lip. Cost: ~$50-100 USD Pain Level: 4/10 Healing Time: 2-4 months Type of Jewelry: Labret jewelry with disc-shaped backs or rings after healing Choose this piercing if: You have small lips
Cyber bites Cyber bites are a combination of a labret and a medusa, so you have jewelry above the center of your top lip and below the middle of your bottom lip. Cost: ~$50-100 USD Pain Level: 6/10 Healing Time: 2-3 months Type of Jewelry: Labret jewelry with disc-shaped backs or rings after healing Choose this piercing if: You have full lips
Horizontal lip piercing Made popular by Cardi B, this trendy piercing goes horizontally through the center of your bottom lip so both ends of the jewelry are visible. However, many piercers warn that this piercing might not heal properly because of how much it moves around while you’re talking and eating. Cost: ~$40-100 USD Pain Level: 6/10 Healing Time: May not fully heal Type of Jewelry: Curved barbells Choose this piercing if: You have a fuller bottom lip
Other Lip Piercings
Madonna Madonna piercings are positioned above your upper lip on the right side of your face, just like the pop star’s mole it’s named after. Cost: ~$50-80 USD Pain Level: 3/10 Healing Time: 6-8 weeks Type of Jewelry: Labret jewelry with disc-shaped back Choose this piercing if: You have a fuller top lip
Monroe Just like Marilyn Monroe’s iconic freckle, this piercing is positioned above your upper lip on the left side of your face. Cost: ~$50-80 USD Pain Level: 3/10 Healing Time: 6-8 weeks Type of Jewelry: Labret jewelry with disc-shaped back Choose this piercing if: You have a fuller top lip
Side labret Side labrets are commonly known as standard lip piercings. They’re positioned under your bottom lip and off to either the left or right side. Cost: ~$35-50 USD Pain Level: 3/10 Healing Time: 6-8 weeks Type of Jewelry: Labret jewelry with disc-shaped back or rings after healing Choose this piercing if: You have wide lips
Spider bites Spider bites are 2 small side labrets that are positioned right next to each other below your bottom lip. Cost: ~$30-60 USD Pain Level: 4/10 Healing Time: 2-3 months Type of Jewelry: Labret jewelry with disc-shaped back or rings after healing Choose this piercing if: You have a fuller bottom lip
Shark bites Shark bites are when you have a set of spider bites, or 2 small piercings, under each side of your bottom lip. Cost: ~$80-150 USD Pain Level: 6/10 Healing Time: 5-6 months Type of Jewelry: Labret jewelry with disc-shaped back or rings after healing Choose this piercing if: You have wide lips
Snake bites Snake bites are simply a side labret on each side of your bottom lip and got their name because they resemble a snake’s fangs. Cost: ~$60-120 USD Pain Level: 5/10 Healing Time: 6-8 weeks Type of Jewelry: Labret jewelry with disc-shaped back or rings after healing Choose this piercing if: You have thin or wide lips
Angel bites Angel bites are when you have a Monroe and a Madonna piercing, so you have a piercing above your upper lip on the left and right side. Cost: ~$60-120 USD Pain Level: 4/10 Healing Time: 3-4 months Type of Jewelry: Labret jewelry with disc-shaped back or rings after healing Choose this piercing if: You have wide lips
Angel fangs In this variation of the angel bites, the tops of the piercings are located above your upper lip and the bottom ends of the jewelry poke out from the bottom of your upper lip like fangs. Cost: ~$80-150 USD Pain Level: 6/10 Healing Time: 3-4 months Type of Jewelry: Curved barbells with pointed ends Choose this piercing if: You have wide lips
Canine bites Canine bites are when you have angel bites and snake bites, or 2 piercings above your upper lip and 2 piercings below your lower lip. They get their name because they’re usually lined up with your canine teeth. Cost: ~$100-200 USD Pain Level: 7/10 Healing Time: 6-8 weeks Type of Jewelry: Labret jewelry with disc-shaped back or rings after healing Choose this piercing if: You have wide lips
Smiley Smiley piercings go through the frenulum (the skin holding your upper lip to your gums) and stay inside your mouth so they’re only visible when you smile. Cost: ~$30-80 USD Pain Level: 2/10 Healing Time: 4-8 weeks Type of Jewelry: Rings Choose this piercing if: You have full lips
Dahlia Dahlia piercings are located just outside the corners of your mouth. Cost: ~$70-150 USD Pain Level: 4/10 Healing Time: 6-8 weeks Type of Jewelry: Labret jewelry with disc-shaped back Choose this piercing if: You have bow-shaped lips
Cheek dimples Cheek piercings are located anywhere on your cheek, but usually no further back than your front molar. When you pierce your cheeks, your jewelry will look like fake dimples. Cost: ~$50-100 USD Pain Level: 5/10 Healing Time: 6-12 months Type of Jewelry: Labret jewelry with disc-shaped back Choose this piercing if: You have full or wide lips
Aftercare for Lip Piercings
Clean the piercing site twice a day with saline solution. Wash your hands before you begin. Wet a clean paper towel or piece of gauze in a warm saline solution. Hold the paper towel against your piercing for a few minutes to soften any hardened residue. Gently wipe your jewelry and your piercing site clean. Clean your piercing in the morning and at night to get rid of residue that builds up throughout the day.
Touch your piercing only when you’re cleaning it. Professional body piercer Sasha Blue says, “Everytime you touch [your piercing], you can irritate it and make it take so much longer to heal.” She also mentions that touching your piercing could potentially heighten the chances of complications like an infection. When you do touch your piercing, Blue recommends washing your hands first. Avoid moving or playing around with your piercing when you’re bored.
Gargle saltwater or alcohol-free mouthwash daily. David Wilkins, a body piercer, says rinsing your mouth out a few times a day can help keep your piercing clean and healing properly. He says either an antiseptic alcohol-free mouthwash or a mix ⅛ tsp (0.6 g) of salt into 1 c (240 ml) of warm water will do the trick.
Brush and floss your teeth normally. Because some lip piercings go into your mouth, it’s important to maintain your normal oral hygiene routine. Brush your teeth at least twice a day or after every meal, and be sure to floss so plaque buildup doesn’t get onto your jewelry or into your piercing site. When you brush your teeth, lightly scrub the jewelry with your toothbrush to remove any plaque that’s on the surface.
Wait 2 weeks before eating spicy, salty, and acidic foods. While your lip piercing is healing, it will be sensitive if you eat certain foods. Try your best to avoid meals that are spicy, extra salty, acidic, or extremely hot in temperature because they could be painful on your piercing site. Also, avoid alcohol and high caffeine levels because they both can slow down your healing time.
Avoid putting items in your mouth that could have bacteria. Your piercing is an open wound when you first get it, so bacteria could easily cause an infection. Avoid putting anything in your mouth that doesn’t belong there, such as your fingernails, glasses, pencils, or any other foreign objects. Wait at least 2 weeks before kissing or having oral sex after getting a lip piercing. Avoid sharing utensils or food with other people while you’re healing because you could spread bacteria even more.
Relieve swelling with cold foods and ice. Blue says, “Swelling is a natural reaction to piercing.” To help the swelling go down and reduce pain, she recommends drinking cold water or sucking on ice cubes. Blue also mentions that over-the-counter pain relievers like Advil or Tylenol are also great choices to get rid of pain and swelling temporarily.
Have your jewelry switched after your swelling goes down. Piercers put in a longer piece of jewelry at first because your lip is swollen. After a 3-4 weeks when your swelling goes down, visit your piercer again to have them put in a shorter piece of jewelry. Having shorter jewelry helps prevent it from getting caught on your teeth or you accidentally biting down on it.
Lip Piercing FAQ
Are lip piercings safe? As long as they’re done by a professional with experience, lip piercings are safe to get done. If you’re concerned about lip piercings being sanitary, don’t worry! Even though some lip piercings go through to the inside of your mouth, your saliva helps prevent bacteria from getting into your body after they’re healed.
Where should you go to get a lip piercing? Stephanie Anders, a professional piercer, says “absolutely find a high quality studio…I would say do your research, find a reputable studio for sure.” If they aren’t able to provide you thorough information about your piercing, then they’re probably not a reputable piercer.
How do you prepare for a lip piercing? Professional piercer Karissa Sanford recommends not drinking heavily before getting a piercing. She also recommends not staying up late and getting good sleep the night beforehand so you’re well rested.
What is normal for a healing lip piercing? Lip piercings normally take a few months to heal completely, but they go through many stages of healing throughout the process. For the first 3-5 days, expect swelling, light bleeding, tenderness, and white or yellowish crust on your jewelry. After 1 week, you may still have some minor swelling and see white or yellow crust around your piercing. After 2-3 weeks, your piercing may look healed on the outside but it is still healing on the inside. When your piercing is fully healed, it’s normal for it to “next” or push into your lip slightly.
What does an infected lip piercing look like? Infections can happen when bacteria gets into your piercing before it’s fully healed. If you suspect your piercing is infected, leave your jewelry in and contact your piercer for the best advice. Infected piercings typically have the following symptoms: Swelling and redness around the piercing site Burning or throbbing near your piercing Tenderness and pain when you touch your piercing Green or yellow discharge with a foul odor
Do lip piercings affect how you eat? While you’re healing, avoid using straws because they can increase the chances of swelling and bleeding. Once your lip piercing is fully healed, then you can eat normally. Just go slow while you’re eating and make sure to move the jewelry away from your teeth before you bite down. If you have a labret piercing, your jewelry may get caught on your teeth when you open you mouth wide.
Can lip piercings damage your teeth? When the jewelry you’re wearing is too long, it can bump into your teeth or gums. Over time, it can damage your gums and wear your enamel away. If you’re not careful, you could also bite down on your jewelry and chip a tooth.
What happens when you remove a lip piercing? If you leave your piercing without jewelry, the hole may begin to shrink, even within a few hours. When you want to take your lip piercing out for good, Sanford states, “When you take out a piercing there's not much of a scar really. Sometimes you'll see a little divot or a little pucker where your own piercing was.”
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