How to Craft a Bed in Minecraft
How to Craft a Bed in Minecraft
It doesn't matter if you're an all-nighter type of player in Minecraft; you need a bed. Beds serve both as a way to pass through the night/rain in Minecraft and as a respawn point. Basically, if you're not the type of player who mines all night, you're going to be bored without a bed, and all players without beds won't be able to spawn at their home, forcing them to pretty much start all over again. Now, after all that hard work, that'd be annoying, so it's best that you learn how to make a bed, and soon!

Make the planks. Head back to a Workbench/ Crafting table and craft Wooden Planks. Get your Wood out and simply put the Wood in any slot. Take out the Wooden Planks. Wood can be found by destroying trees. You can destroy trees with an axe but it is also possible to punch them to obtain wood, although this takes significantly longer.

Obtain wool. Wool can be found by shearing or killing sheep. Shearing (which will not kill the sheep) requires shears, which are made by crafting together 2 iron ingots. Shearing can also give 1 - 3 wool, instead of the normal 1 wool produced when the sheep is killed.

Place the planks in the crafting grid. After that, put the 3 Wooden Planks on all of the bottom slots.

Place the wool in the crafting grid. Put 3 Wool in the middle of the three by three grid. Take your newly made bed. You can make colored beds since the version 1.12 of Minecraft. Follow these steps, but change the color of the wool you use.

Place your bed wherever you would like it to go. Place your bed in your house (or any place which keeps you safe) and sleep peacefully on your bed. This has the added bonus of creating a new spawn point, after which you will always spawn next to your bed after death. Keep in mind that the wool has to be the same color since colored beds are now added. After the village and pillage update of Minecraft, villagers began breeding based on the number of beds in the village. In the new version, villagers breed as long as there is an open bed within the village. Besides this, villagers also breed based on willingness, which the player can manipulate by giving the villagers specific food amounts.

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