How to Flirt After the First Date
How to Flirt After the First Date
Did you just wrap up an amazing first date and aren’t sure what to text them so they stay interested? Or maybe you’re really excited to see them and want to schedule a second date right away. It can be a little scary to follow up with someone that you vibed with, but flirting after the first date is simpler than you think. Keep reading for some fun and flirty example texts to send when you like them and want to keep going out!

“Just popping in to say thanks for such an amazing time tonight. I can’t wait to do it again!”

A quick text lets your date know you had a good time. If you had fun on your date, there’s no need to wait to tell them. Text them as soon as you want afterward so they know you’re excited to spend time together.

“I just got back home, but I wish I was still with you! I can’t wait until next time!”

Tell your date you’re back safe so you don’t keep your date guessing. Your date will appreciate the update so they don’t worry about you or how you’re feeling all night. Enthusiasm and warmth are super important when you're sending a text.

“Seeing you definitely made my entire week ????”

Your date will love hearing that they’re the best part of your week. This text will make your date feel really special and tells them that you had a really fun and memorable time together. Don't be afraid to use emojis and exclamation points to give your message a really warm tone.

“I would have talked to you all night long if I could.”

Tell your date how exciting it was getting to know them. Wanting to chat and learn more about your date makes you sound eager to spend time with them again. It also shows that you value what they have to say, so they’ll want to keep the conversation alive.

“BTW you looked amazing tonight ????”

Give a quick compliment to let your date know you were into them. Your date will be flattered that you noticed the effort they put into their looks.

“I already miss seeing your smile.”

If your date wasn’t already smiling, they will be after reading this text. Mentioning a specific thing from your date that you’re still thinking about lets them know they’ve left a lasting impression on you.

“I almost forgot to tell you how hot you were before I fell asleep! ???? Good night!”

This text tells your date that they’re the only person on your mind before drifting off. They’ll think that it’s so sweet that you’re ending the night chatting with them.

“I woke up with you still on my mind ???? hope you have a great day today!”

Your date will love knowing that they left a lasting impression on you. After reading this text, your date will be in a good mood right when they wake up.

“I just checked out that song you mentioned! I can’t wait to dance along to it with you ????”

Reference something you talked about so your date knows you care. Your date will appreciate that you took the time to check out what they brought up and share your thoughts on it.

“If that was the first date, I can’t wait to see what you have planned next! ????”

Put the ball in their court if you want them to set up a second date. Now that your date knows that you want to see them again, challenge them to plan something even more fun or romantic to keep the spark alive.

“I still can’t believe you haven’t seen Star Wars! We’re changing that next time we get together!”

Suggest a fun second date based on something you talked about already. Since you already mentioned it on your first date or while chatting, it’s a perfect idea for what to do next time you’re together.

“I still can’t believe you beat me at mini-golf! We need a rematch ASAP.”

Set up your next date by making it a playful competition. Your date will see that you’re having a lot of fun and want to keep the good times rolling, especially if they like to be a little competitive.

“I wish we could have kissed last night, but that gives us something to look forward to ????”

Build up the anticipation so they want to see you again soon. If you left the first date wanting more, tease your date to show them what they’re missing. If they feel the same, they’ll jump at the chance to see you again.

“What’s your favorite food? I’m looking for places we can grab dinner this weekend ????”

This question helps you learn more about them and plan your next date. Your date will love that you want their input and they won’t feel pressured to plan your next get-together.

“OMG I just found the cutest outfit to wear on our next date. You’re going to love it ????”

Your date will get curious and want to get together with you again. Even if you really want to tell them, keep it a secret to encourage your date to see you sooner.

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