How to Go to the Movies
How to Go to the Movies
Going to the movies is a great way to spend a rainy or hot day, but a successful movie-going experience takes a little forethought. Here are some tips to make any trip to the movies magical.

Decide on what movie to go see. Choose something you think you'll enjoy to avoid getting bored. You may want to look for a specific genre or franchise you like. If you wish, try something new. Compromise if other people are going to the theater with you. Go online and look at reviews on large sites like Rotten Tomatoes or IMDb to see if it's a good movie.

Know how to get the tickets. You may have to buy them in advance at an online site, or go to the box office early to make sure it's not sold out.

The movie schedule must be at your fingertips. Normally, theater lobbies will be jam-packed with people on weekends, so allow 20-30 minutes to get your tickets, get snacks, and then get good seats. Allow extra time for blockbusters, like a Harry Potter film or The Hunger Games.

Buy snacks and be prepared to pay more. If you have kids with you, limit how many extra items they can have. Try not to buy a lot of snacks: the movie seats are generally small, and you won´t focus in the movie if you have to rescue that falling super-size stack of candy.

Most movie theaters would prefer that you buy food from them, but they normally don't enforce the rule. A great way to save money on snacks is if you put a box of candy in your purse and pockets. Another way to sneak in food is to hide it in clothing. You can hide snacks under a coat or even in your socks. Beware that some theaters may kick you out for this. Buy drinks at the theater; if you put them in your bag, they may leak.

If you're bringing your own snacks, wear cargo pants - it's far easier to stash snacks in cargo pockets (just don't stuff them to the gills). No theater in their right mind is going to ask to search your pants pocket for snacks - too much risk of a sexual harassment lawsuit.

Pick your seats. If you planned ahead and arrived early, you might be able to sit at a desirable seat. The best seats in most cinemas are at the back of the room because you won´t have those annoying seat-kickers, or in the middle as you will have the best view there. Try not to arrive late, or these seats might be occupied by people.

Discuss the film. After you have watched the movie, you can discuss the movie with friends or family that you went with. If you really liked the film, you can look for prequels or sequels. Some movies are part of larger "cinematic universes" so keep your eye out for new things to watch!

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