How to Juggle Three Balls
How to Juggle Three Balls
An ancient performance art, juggling dates back four thousand years. Juggling effortlessly may look impossible, but with practice and patience, you can do it too! The key is perfecting the toss and practicing regularly so you get comfortable catching and throwing the balls.

Learning the Basics

Find 3 matching balls. It will be easier to juggle when you're first starting out if all the balls are the same size and weight. Look for balls that are less bouncy since you may be dropping them on the floor a lot at first. Baseballs are a good kind of ball to practice with.

Hold 2 balls in your dominant hand and 1 ball in your other hand. Holding the 2 balls in your dominant hand will be easier when you're starting out. As you practice and get better, you'll be able to use either hand.

Stand with your elbows bent 90 degrees and your palms facing up. Look straight out in front of you. You don't want to be looking down at your hands while you're juggling.

Toss one of the paired-up balls into the air gently. You want to toss it so it goes at eye level. When you get better at juggling, you will be able to throw it higher. Toss it at a slight angle so that when it starts to fall it's moving in the direction of your opposite hand. This will make it easier to catch.

Throw the ball in your opposite hand into the air immediately after. Right after you toss the first ball, you want to gently toss the ball in your opposite hand into the air. Try to toss it with the same amount of force as you used to toss the first ball. Toss it at an angle so its trajectory ends in your other hand.

Toss the last ball that's left in your dominant hand into the air. Toss it the same way you tossed the first 2 balls, and do it immediately after you toss the second ball. After you toss the last ball, there should be a brief moment where all 3 balls are in the air.

Catch the balls in the order you threw them. You'll catch the first ball you threw first, then the second ball you threw, and then the last ball you threw. Each ball should end up in the opposite hand it started in. If your left hand had 2 balls in it when you started, those 2 balls should be in your right hand now. As you get better, you can work on tossing the balls faster.

Improving Your Juggling Skills

Practice tossing 1 ball back and forth between your hands. Practicing with 1 ball is a good way to perfect the tossing motion you need to juggle 3 balls. Work on tossing the ball so it goes up at an angle, peaks above your head, and then travels down at an angle into your opposite hand. When the ball lands in your hand, scoop your hand up into the air to toss the ball back to your other hand. Keep doing this until you're able to toss the ball back and forth between your hands without dropping it or looking down at your hands.

Try juggling with 2 balls. Once you've got the tossing motion down with 1 ball, try adding in a second ball. Hold a ball in each hand. Then, toss 1 of the balls up at an angle so it peaks just above your head. When the ball peaks, toss the second ball up using the same motion. Catch the first ball you threw, and then the second, so that both balls are in the opposite hand they started in.

Try different juggling variations as you get better. Once you master juggling 3 balls, incorporate variations into your routine so you can take your skills to the next level. Try juggling objects other than balls, like rings or clubs. You can even add a fourth object into the mix and try to juggle more than 3 things. If you have a friend that juggles, practice passing objects back and forth while you're juggling standing next to each other. A popular variation of 3-ball juggling you can try is the cascade. Instead of tossing all 3 balls in quick succession, toss 2 balls and wait until you catch 1 of them before you toss the third. Everytime a ball peaks above your head, toss a new ball. There should only ever be 2 balls in the air at once.

Practice juggling every day. Don't get discouraged if you can't juggle 3 balls right away — learning how to juggle takes time! Keep practicing every day and eventually you'll get there. If you need to, start out with 1 ball. Then you can add a second and third ball as you improve.

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