Play a little hard to get.
Wait until she texts or reaches out so she feels in control. Aquarians can feel overwhelmed if you call or text a lot. Instead of putting pressure on her, give her a chance to initiate conversations. Resist the urge to text until you hear from her first. You'll be a challenge she can't wait to conquer. Plus, she can't chase you if you aren't a little elusive! It can be tricky to know how much to interact, so use her communication as a guide. If she texts you once, wait a little bit and reply with a single message.
Let your quirky personality shine.
Aquarians are attracted to unique people who stand out from the crowd. Try to show her how you're different from everyone else. Maybe you have your own sense of fashion or you might have a really interesting way of thinking or expressing yourself. Let her see this! She'll want to get to know your completely original personality. Think of your most unique characteristics and tell her about them. Maybe you collect something unusual like Monopoly game pieces or you play the bagpipes—the stranger, the better! Do this as soon as you can so she doesn't write you off as being boring or just like everyone else. If you get her to see you differently, she'll see you as a challenge that she wants to learn more about.
Show her that you’re kindhearted.
An Aquarius woman is considerate and she expects you to be, too. Her humanity is a big part of her personality, so it's no surprise that she's drawn to people who are kind and empathetic. To let her see this generous side of you, volunteer with something you're passionate about, donate to causes that interest you, or just help out your friends! For instance, you might volunteer to tutor kids, deliver food to the elderly, or teach an afterschool gardening class.
Let her see her your strong, independent side.
Wait to be vulnerable or openly emotional with her. It takes time for an Aquarius woman to connect with someone and she's attracted to stable, confident personalities. If you want her to chase you, be bold and self-assured. In time, you can open up with her and have deep, emotional discussions. You'll know she's ready when she's the one to bring up her feelings.
Impress her with a clever, flirty comment.
Make your statement smart or witty so it stands out from the crowd. Your Aquarius woman's probably heard her share of pick-up lines, so come up with something completely unique to her. If she just beat you at a game of trivia, you might say, "I mean, I knew you were smart, but I didn't know you were brilliant." For instance, instead of saying, "You look great in that outfit," say, "No one but you could pull off a look that's so daring. You're captivating."
Have deep, meaningful conversations.
Bring up philosophical topics so you can impress her with your knowledge. An Aquarius woman isn't just looking for a pretty face! She wants to know that you can match her intellect on a variety of topics. Spend time really talking about things that fascinate you—from politics to religion to books or current events, talk with her about anything. She won't be able to wait for your next conversation. She'll probably be turned off if you just stick with small talk. Want to really pique her interest? Ask her out for an evening of conversation. For instance, say, "I'd love to know what you think about how personalities are formed. Are you in the nature or nurture camp? Let's meet up and talk."
Ask her opinion about something.
This shows that you value her intellect and you're a good listener. Aquarians are known for their reasoning. She probably won't want to chase you if she doesn't think you appreciate her mind. By asking what she thinks about something, it shows her that you really want to get to know her. Use her opinion as a jumping point for a conversation where you share your personal thoughts. She'll also want to see that you're capable of thinking for yourself!
Surprise her with a unique experience.
She'll be drawn to your fun, playful personality if you keep her on her toes. Pick her up and take her out to laser tag or challenge her to try something new like rock climbing. For something memorable but low-key, take her star gazing. Whatever you choose, go for something really unexpected and she'll love you for it! It's really important to add some excitement if you think she's getting bored. Aquarian women won't stick around long if she's not thrilled or delighted with the relationship.
Teach her something new.
Stimulate her mind so she's curious and engaged. An Aquarius woman hates to be bored! She's always looking for ways to grow or develop, so she'll love it if you inspire her or show her something new. For instance, if you're an artist, teach her photography or how to throw pottery. You don't have to be super skilled—she'll appreciate even learning about your hobbies.
Relax and go with the flow.
An Aquarius woman doesn't like feeling pressured or anxious. Your calm, laid-back personality will put her at ease! We know that there will be times when you're stressed out about something—when this happens, resist the urge to lay it all on her. Try not to let things bother you and enjoy your time around her instead. You may want to take a little time for yourself if something's bothering you. Work on it or reflect on your feelings before hanging out with your Aquarius woman.
Respect her personal space.
Freedom is the name of the game when it comes to an Aquarian! They don't like being told what to do so don't insist on boundaries or labeling your relationship. Give her the space to do her own thing—she'll thrive and love you for it. For instance, don't check in with her multiple times a day or call her constantly. She might start to feel like you're controlling her, so give her lots of space.
Keep things fun and exciting in the bedroom.
Switch up your sex life if you're intimate with your Aquarius woman. She'll get bored easily if you two tend to stick to the same routine or positions. To really get her fired up, be surprising—try a new position, spend more time on foreplay, or introduce a new toy. It's totally fine to ask her what she likes in the bedroom. There might be things she's never tried and would love to with you!
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