How to Play Card Bingo
How to Play Card Bingo
Bingo is a fun game, that can have a lot of variations to it - Card Bingo is one of them.

Get set up. Depending on how many players you have, deal out your cards. If you have six players, deal out eight cards each, leaving four cards left over. If you have seven players, deal out seven cards each, leaving three cards left over. If you have eight players, deal out six cards each, leaving three cards left over. If you have nine players, deal out five cards each, leaving seven left over. If you have ten players, deal out five cards each, leaving two left over.

After you've dealt out the cards to the players, get another deck of cards, and lay them in front of you.

When you're ready to start, have the players lay all of their cards face up, as the caller slowly looks at the card in the full deck and names the number and suit. Example: Caller calls out "Jack of Diamonds" - One person should say "Got it", turn over the Jack so it's face down, and the caller moves on to the next card.Play Card Bingo Step 3Bullet1.jpg

Once a person gets all of their cards face down, they call "Bingo!" and win that round.

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