Pink Candle Magic 101
Pink Candle Magic 101
If you’re looking to invite more love into your life, a spell with a pink candle may be just what you need! In candle magic, pink candles are associated with all forms of love, from friendship to romance to self-love. We’ve compiled a complete guide on pink candle magic, including what these candles represent and how to perform a spell with them. We’ll also cover the meanings of other candle colors, so that you can combine them to create the perfect ritual for your situation. Keep reading for everything you need to know!
What do pink candles mean in candle magick?

Pink Candle Meaning

Pink candles represent compassion, romance, friendship, and self-love. In the practice of candle magic, pink candles represent all forms of love. This includes romantic love, platonic love, familial love, and self-love. You can do a spell, ritual, or manifestation session with a pink candle to invite any of these types of love into your life. Here are some examples of situations to use a pink candle in: You’re single and want to attract new romance into your life You’re struggling with insecurity or low self-esteem, and you want to develop self-love You’ve been feeling lonely or socially disconnected and want to manifest new friendships You want to deepen the love and connection in any of the romantic, platonic, or familial relationships in your life

Pink candles embody a blend of the energies of red and white candles. Because the color pink is created by combining red and white, pink candles carry the romantic energy of red candles in addition to the peaceful, innocent energy of white candles. As a result, red candles are associated more with the passionate, sensual, and physical side of love, while pink candles deal with softer feelings of tenderness and emotional connection.

When to Use Pink Candles vs. Red Candles

Use red to ignite passion and pink to increase emotional connection. For example, if you're already in a relationship and you want to reignite the spark of passion and sensuality with your partner, opt for a ritual with a red candle. On the other hand, if you want to increase your emotional connection with a brand-new crush, a pink candle would be the best choice. You could, however, use both red and pink candles in a manifestation ritual if you want to combine their effects. For example, if you’re single and want to manifest a connection that’s both passionate and tender, you could use red and pink candles to attract both of these things.

How to Perform a Pink Candle Spell

Decide what you want to attract or manifest. Before starting your ritual, think about what you want to achieve with your spell. Do you want to manifest a new romance? Deepen your emotional connection with your significant other or crush? Banish insecurity and increase self-love? Whatever you decide, try to sum up your intention in one sentence. Having a clear, specific goal will help you successfully manifest it. For example, your intention might be, “I want to manifest a new romantic connection,” or “I want to develop self-compassion.” You can simply hold the intention in your mind, or you can write it down if you find this helpful.

Prepare and cleanse your space for the ritual. Choose a tranquil, quiet place to perform your candle spell. Clear out any negative energies in the space by lighting a bundle of sage or palo santo, then blowing out the flame and wafting the smoke around. If you don’t have either of these on hand, you can also open a window and cleanse the space with fresh air. Next, arrange any meaningful objects you want to use, such as crystals, herbs, or photographs, around your candle. Some crystals with healing properties that combine nicely with a pink candle spell include: Rose quartz: attracts romantic love and promotes self-love, helps heal old wounds and open you up to new possibilities Aventurine: connects with the heart chakra, associated with prosperity and good luck in love Moonstone: brings balance and good luck in love, said to reunite lovers who are emotionally or physically disconnected

Dress your candle. Prepare your candle for the ritual by dressing it with the essential oil of your choice. You can also use common household oils, like extra-virgin olive oil, if you don’t have any essential oils on hand. Using your fingers, rub the oil into your candle. This charges your candle with energy and amplifies the power of your spell. If your intention is to let go of something (like self-doubt or past emotional wounds), rub the oil into your candle from the top downward. If your intention is to attract something into your life (like new love or self-compassion), rub the oil into the candle from the bottom to the top. Cinnamon, jasmine, vanilla, and rose essential oil work well for attracting love. Nutmeg and sesame essential oil essential oils work well for releasing something.

Light the candle and speak your intention aloud. First, take a moment to visualize your intention as vividly as you can. If you want to attract a new romance, picture yourself in a happy, loving relationship. Then, once the image is clear in your mind, recite your intention aloud (“I want to attract a loving romantic partnership”), and light your candle.

Assess and interpret your candle’s flame. Take some time to gaze at the candle’s flame. Study its size, strength, and intensity, and make note of any popping or sizzling. Different flame behaviors can reveal whether or not your spell was successful. A steady, strong, tall flame: Your intention was clear, and you’ve successfully performed your spell or ritual. A weaker, smaller flame: Your intention may have been unclear, and the spell may be less strong. Refocus your energy and visualize the thing you’re trying to manifest. Hissing, popping, or sizzling: An entity or spirit may be near, and they may be trying to communicate with you through these sounds.

Snuff out the candle or let it burn out, but don’t blow it out. When you’re ready to end your ritual, use a candle snuffer to extinguish the candle, or use your fingers to pinch the flame. Don’t blow out the candle, as this can blow away your intention and make the spell unsuccessful. You can also wait for the candle to burn out on its own.

Candle Color Meanings

Add other colored candles to your ritual to combine their effects. Each candle color has its own unique powers and energies, so adding a different color to your ritual can expand the scope of your spell. A brown candle, for example, represents grounding, balance, and stability. If you want to manifest a new relationship that’s both loving and stable, consider adding a brown candle to your ritual. Here’s a full list of the different candle colors and their meanings: Red candles: passion, sensuality, romance, courage, vitality Orange candles: energy, enthusiasm, creativity, success, change Yellow candles: abundance, charm, happiness, intelligence Green candles: prosperity, money, luck, fertility, growth Blue candles: wisdom, communication, clarity, calm, trust Brown candles: grounding, stability, balance, earth magic, animal magic Black candles: protection, banishing, revealing secrets, breaking curses White candles: peace, serenity, renewal, clarity, cleansing, optimism

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