What does Rizq mean?
In Islam, Rizq is the provision and sustenance provided by Allah. The concept is Rizq is sacred in the Islamic faith, as it refers to the provision and sustenance provided by Allah. Rizq encompasses financial prosperity, good health, the pursuit of knowledge and opportunity, among other things. Rizq is similar to blessings in the Christian faith. Rizq is determined by Allah, who decides what you will obtain in your life.
How to Increase Rizq
Apply the Quran’s teachings to your daily life. The Quran provides guidance and shows you how to live a peaceful life individually and communally. Take these lessons and apply them to your life. Respond to evil with good, be charitable, be thankful for Allah’s provisions, and honor your parents, among other things. Not only will this increase your Rizq, but it will help you become a better Muslim. This includes consuming halal (against sin). In Quran 2:168, mankind is encouraged to “eat from whatever is on earth [that is] lawful and good,” to seek Allah’s blessings in Rizq.
Regularly pray to Allah. By regularly praying to Allah, you will increase your relationship with and proximity to Him. In return, he will provide for you. He even says “Bid your people to pray and be diligent in (observing) it. We do not ask you to provide. It is We Who provide for you. And the ultimate outcome is (only) for (the people of) righteousness” in Surah Taha 20:132, signaling that any sincere, solemn prayer can bring Rizq.
Trust in Allah and know that he will provide for you. By trusting in Allah’s all-knowing wisdom and power, you will be on the road to more Rizq. Trusting in and relying on Allah (which is called Tawakkul in Islam) is a way to worship Him and acknowledge His omnipotence, and by pairing your goals with faith in His plan, you will be in ideal standing for receiving Rizq. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put in effort when attempting to achieve your goals, but rather knowing that Allah will make them happen if you put in the effort.
Practice good, charitable deeds and give to those in need. Donate to charities, help at your local food bank, or sit and have lunch with someone who’s down on their luck. By helping those in need through charity (known as Sadaqah in Islam) and personal action, you will surely increase your Rizq. The Prophet Muhammad once said “Charity does not decrease wealth,” meaning that the wealth you’ve given in charity will return to you in other ways.
Maintain strong familial relationships and friendships. Check in on family and friends regularly, help them if they need it, and uplift them to increase your Rizq. In the Sahih Bukhari hadith, The Prophet Muhammad once said “Whoever would like his Rizq to be increased and his life span to be extended, should uphold the ties of kinship.” So, to increase your Rizq, keep strong relationships with family and friends.
Express gratitude for the things you have in life. Gratitude, which is known as shukr is Islam, is crucial for increasing Rizq. By expressing how grateful you are for both your physical and nonphysical possessions and qualities, you will align with Allah and increase your Rizq. In Quran 14:7, Allah says “If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.”
Seek knowledge, especially religious knowledge. According to The Messenger of Allah, Anas ibn Malik’s teachings in Sunan Ibn Majah 224, every Muslim is obligated to seek knowledge. Not just to learn more about the Islamic religion, but to be able to make better decisions. By seeking and increasing your knowledge about the world and Islam, you will open doors to increasing rizq.
Duas to Increase Rizq
Dua for halal Rizq. “Allahumma inni as’aluka min fadlika” (which translates to “O Allah, I ask you a favor”) is a short and powerful dua that asks Allah for provision that comes from His grace. This makes sure the provision is halal and blessed, increasing Rizq.
Dua for wealth and guidance. “Allahumma-ighfir li, warhamni, wa-hdini, wa ‘afini, warzuqni” (which translates to “O Allah! Forgive me, have mercy on me, guide me, guard me against harm, and provide me with sustenance) is a dua that asks for Allah’s forgiveness, mercy, protection, guidance, and Rizq, which is useful for multiple areas in life.
Dua from Surah Al-Baqarah (2:201). “Rabbana aatina fiddunya hasanatan wafil akhirati hasanatan waqina adhabannaar” (which translates to “Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire”) is a dua from the Quran that asks Allah for sustenance in the physical world and protection in the afterlife, making it a useful dua for increasing Rizq.
Dua from Prophet Musa. In Quran 28:24, Prophet Musa said “Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqir” (which translates to “My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You would send down to me, in need”), humbly requesting sustenance from Allah. This request was made when Prophet Musa was in dire need, so use it in moments where you need Allah’s sustenance.
Pray “astaghfirullah” to seek forgiveness and increase Rizq. Astaghfirullah is a dua that translates to “I seek forgiveness in Allah.” It is used when seeking forgiveness for your sins. By seeking forgiveness, you will show Allah your faith in him and increase your Rizq. In Surah Nuh, Prophet Nuh encouraged his people to seek forgiveness in Allah, saying that He would shower them with abundance for He is the most forgiving.
What are the two types of Rizq in Islam?
Tangible Rizq refers to physical possessions, like food and shelter. Tangible Rizq refers to physical possessions that are provided by Allah. These physical possessions include food, shelter, money, friends, clothing, and any other physical object or privilege. Tangible Rizq can even refer to the bed you sleep in.
Intangible Rizq refers to the nonphysical, like your lifespan and knowledge. Intangible Rizq encompasses the nonphysical things in your life that are provided by Allah. This includes having a long lifespan, having strong relationships, being able to seek knowledge, being in good mental and physical health, practicing Islam, and even getting good quality sleep.
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