A Healthy Sheena Bora Was Given Schizophrenia Meds by Her Mother, Claims New Book
A Healthy Sheena Bora Was Given Schizophrenia Meds by Her Mother, Claims New Book
The book ‘The Sheena Bora Case’, written by the journalist Manish Pachouly, claims that Indrani Mukerjea put her daughter on potentially harmful medication meant for mental ailments like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

New Delhi: Indrani Mukerjea used her influence to misdiagnose her daughter Sheena Bora and trick her into consuming sedatives for about a month in order to separate Sheena from her stepson Rahul Mukerjea. She also forced her biological son Mikhail to get admitted to a mental hospital. These are some of the startling revelations made in a new book on the sensational murder that surfaced in 2015.

The book ‘The Sheena Bora Case’, written by the journalist Manish Pachouly, claims that Indrani Mukerjea put her daughter on potentially harmful medication meant for mental ailments like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder for about a month, which eventually wrecked Sheena Bora’s health so severely that she stopped responding to calls and messages, and was ultimately tied to a wheelchair.

“Indrani, meanwhile, was going all out to keep Sheena away from Rahul. She even called Sheena’s ex-boyfriend Kaustabh Saikia from Bengaluru and asked him to take her along with him. Kaustabh at this time was trying to re-establish his relations with Sheena, but she had not agreed. But Sheena was not left with much of a choice. As she was ill, she could not respond to Rahul’s calls or messages and he had no idea what was happening at the other end. Her condition, too, had deteriorated so much that she had to be taken to Bengaluru on a wheelchair,” writes Pachouly.

Indrani also got Mikhail admitted to a mental hospital in Byculla saying he had a drug problem.

The Sheena Bora murder case has been, since it broke three years ago, one of the most sensational murder cases in India. The book, published by Roli Books, describes in detail the rise and the eventual fall of Indrani, her relationships with her partners, including arrested media mogul Peter Mukerjea, and her dislike towards her two biological children Sheena and Mikhail.

The book also details the troubled childhood that Sheena had and details the relationship that she had with her step-brother Rahul, who has been one of the key witnesses in the case.

Indrani is currently in jail facing trial for the alleged murder of her daughter Sheena Bora. The murder came to light in August 2015 after driver Shyamvar Rai, arrested in another case, spilled the beans and Mumbai police arrested Indrani, her former husband Sanjeev Khanna, and Rai. Peter Mukerjea was also arrested later.

News18 highlights some of the claims made in this book.

Sheena’s Schizophrenia Medication

According to the new book, in March 2009, a year after Sheena and Rahul had started living together, Indrani forcefully sent her daughter to Guwahati and later to Delhi. During her stay in the capital, Sheena fell ill and was admitted to a hospital. Indrani visited her at the hospital, met her daughter’s doctor, and got her medication changed.

The medicines that Sheena consumed from after this meeting were sedatives that she did not need.

Indrani, meanwhile, called up Sheena’s ex-boyfriend in Bengaluru, Kaustabh Saikia and asked her to take Sheena away. Indrani even got Sheena’s mobile disconnected and withdrew all the money in Sheena’s account – about Rs 15,000.

Things, however, turned ugly in Bengaluru, and Sheena faced physical abuse at the hands of Kaustabh, after which she got in touch with Rahul through a common friend.

Rahul rushed to Bengaluru where he met Sheena, which is when he also got to know about the medication Sheena had been tricked into having — Oleanz.

When they visited a doctor (on Rahul’s mother Shabnam’s advice), the doctor informed them that Oleanz was meant for ailments like depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Soon, after much deliberation, the couple escaped to Dehradun to join Rahul’s mother and Sheena eventually started recovering. She shifted to Mumbai and got a job.

Mikhail and the Mental Hospital

Pachouly talks in detail about how in 2005, Mikhail, who had just completed his Class 10 boards, was called to Mumbai from his hometown Guwahati by Indrani and was to join a school in Bengaluru. Mikhail, however, found it hard to adjust to the environment there, including facing trouble in speaking English. He completed his Class 11 in Bengaluru, but kept requesting his mother to take him back.

“Following repeated requests, Indrani called Mikhail to Mumbai for a few days and sent an air ticket as always,” the book states. As he reached Mumbai, he was put up at a hotel as Indrani wanted to keep the siblings away from each other, the book claims.

During his stay at the hotel, Mikhail met Sanjeev Khanna, Indrani’s ex-husband and co-accused in Sheena’s murder. Khanna and Mikhail went out to a pub, where Mikhail was offered tequila shots.

The next day, when Mikhail regained consciousness, he found himself locked in a room, hands tied, hair cut short and wearing dark clothes. As he ran out of the room, he realized he was in a hospital. A few doctors met him in the facility, one of whom identified himself as Dr Yusuf Matcheswalla.

The hospital was identified as Masina in Byculla and Mikhail was told that he had been admitted by Indrani for his ‘drug problem’. Mikhail was forced to spend two months at the facility.

As Mikhail needed financial support for his education and lifestyle, this incident, however traumatic, did not lead to the severing of ties with his mother. Mikhail finished school in 2007 from National Institute of Open Schooling in Delhi and went on to get a degree in hotel management.

The Nagpur Man With a Bentley

Further, the book also claims that Indrani told her stepson Rahul Mukerjea that Sheena had eloped with a man based in Nagpur who owns a Bentley. The book states that just days after Sheena was reported missing in 2012, Indrani told Rahul that her daughter had met a guy who owned a Bentley and that Sheena had moved to Nagpur to be with him and his family. With his fiancée missing, Rahul started recording all conversations he had with his father Peter Mukerjea and step mother Indrani. The book publishes in detail all the conversations that Rahul recorded, one which highlighted Indrani’s lies about a Nagpur-based man, who was only a creature of Indrani’s imagination, devised to separate Rahul from Sheena.

Further, the book also brings forth Rahul’s attempts at uncovering Indrani’s lies as he talks about Sheena mentioning Nagpur as a “trip that her mother was planning”.

“Sheena told me when I met her that Indrani had asked her to go to Nagpur with her, just the two of them, right… to have a look at properties. And Sheena said, ‘I don’t really want to go with Indrani, because I’ll feel awkward, and I’ll actually rather go with you,” Rahul told his father Peter over the phone.

Countering Indrani on her Bentley claims, Rahul tells his father that with just a handful of Bentley owner in the country, it would be easy to find an owner in Nagpur, if at all he existed, to which Peter agreed. Indrani then says that “Nagpur was clearly just hogwash since there were two different versions of Nagpur being related to Sheena.”

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