Britney spends big bucks to get back in shape
Britney spends big bucks to get back in shape
The pop diva's new fitness and diet regime is costing her $22,000 a month.

Melbourne: Now that Britney Spears is back on the recovery track, she is leaving no stone unturned to shed all that flab, dishing out as much as $22,000 a month on her diet and exercise regime.

Till date, the 26-year-old popstar has lost half a kilo, thanks to her nutritionists, personal trainers and dietary supplements.

"She limits herself to 1400 calories a day with one ''cheat day’ where she'll treat herself. She also changed the way she eats, trying to have only two thirds of what is on her plate. It's all about portion control and fresh food now. And lots of water in place of Red Bull,” The Couriermail quoted a source, as telling Britain's Closer magazine,

Britney reportedly spend $10,000 a month on a nutritionist and diet supplements; $8,000 on a personal trainer; and $4,000 on a private dance choreographer.

In fact she has even resorted to eating a good amount of steamed fish and snacking on edamame beans, influenced by Victoria Beckham's diet tips.

The task of getting her back into shape has fallen to Pussycat Dolls' personal trainer James Van Daff, who is making sure that the star undergoes rigourous workouts, including a three-hour dance class, six times a week.

The source said, "Britney piled on a lot of weight earlier this year. She was so stressed about the custody case and her medication for her bipolar disorder also made her put on weight. She was tired of being flabby and wanted to do something about it."

"Britney is so proud of herself because her ab muscles are back. She's feeling better than she has in ages," the source added.

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