Businessman Killed in Delhi During Robbery Bid
Businessman Killed in Delhi During Robbery Bid
The incident came to light when the security guard from the neighbouring complex spotted unknown individuals coming out from the front gate and called the police.

A Delhi businessman was strangulated to death on Thursday morning allegedly by a gang of robbers who first sedated his parents with chloroform and attacked him when he resisted.

The gang gained access to the two-storey farmhouse in Chhattarpur through a window eluding the security guard deployed at the main gate of the colony and first sedated the elderly couple sleeping on the ground floor, a police official said.

They robbed the couple of cash and jewellery, following which around three gang members went on to the first floor, where they confronted the victim, 38-year-old Rohan Gupta.

He died of suffocation when they stuffed a cloth dipped in cholorform into his mouth. Police said there were marks on his neck which suggested that a scuffle took place.

The incident came to light when the security guard from the neighbouring complex spotted unknown individuals coming out from the front gate and called the police.

The police team sealed the entire farmhouse and arrested the accused immediately post the incident although one of them is said to have escaped, the official said.

"A case of murder and dacoity has been registered and the five arrested persons are being interrogated," additional DCP (south) Nupur Prasad said.

From preliminary investigation, it emerged that the accused had conducted a recce before executing the crime.

They had keenly observed the movements of the Guptas but the attack on Rohan was unplanned, an official privy to the investigation said.

Police are questioning one of the domestic helps who worked with the Guptas.

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