The Organised Crime Wing of the Crime Branch on Tuesday marked the arrest of Vedimara Thajudheen from the Bangalore Central Jail for his suspected involvement in the Kizhakkambalam robbery case. The Crime Branch had received the permission of the Bangalore Metropolitan Court for arresting Thajudheen on Monday.
According to Crime Branch officials, they had interrogated Thajudheen for about two hours in connection with the case. Thajudheen, the expert bomb maker, had been arrested for his involvement in the Bangalore bomb blast case.
“We quizzed him about his involvement in the Kizhakkambalam robbery case. He denied his direct involvement but submitted that the others involved in the case were familiar to him. He said that the other accused, including Thadiyantavide Nazir, frequently visited him. Weapons like swords and daggers were often hidden in his house.
“He was very cooperative during the interrogation. Further interrogation will be conducted only after obtaining his custody,” the official said.
The Crime Branch also quizzed him in connection with the Kakkanad Collectorate bomb blast case. “He denied his involvement in the bomb blast. He had given some details about a few suspects. These names are new to us and they are yet to be arrested in any case,” the official said.
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