Chat with Dr Batra, get homeopathic solutions
Chat with Dr Batra, get homeopathic solutions
Dr Mukesh Batra has homeopathic solutions for patients who chatted with him on the site.

Bijoy: Most of my hair in the front side is lost. How can I get it?

Dr Mukesh Batra: Once you lose the front side of hair ,chances of getting hair growth is negligible to nil. You should take a medical treatment to control the further recession of the hairline. For further details log on to

Dr Mukesh Batra: Erectile dysfunciton can be treated successfully through homeopathy. Homeopathic remedy lycopodium can help where the sexual desire is there but erection is poor.

Manish: Can there be a regrowth of lost hair. I also sweat a lot on my hands and feet.

Dr Mukesh Batra: There are more then 22 different types of baldness and without knowing your type of baldness, it is difficult to comment if your hair can come back or not. Homeopathy can certainly help to control hair thinning. Take homeopathic medicine silicea 30 for the excessive sweating on hands and foot.

Shah: My weight is more than the ideal one. What kind of diet should I take? Can you please suggest a remedy for hair loss?

Dr Mukesh Batra: Take a high protein diet which includes sprouts, eggs, chicken and daal. Eat small meals at frequent intervals. Include salads, fruits and buttermilk in your diet. Drink skimmed milk. Avoid sweets, chocolates, cold drinks, ghee and butter. Exercise minimum 45 minutes morning and evening-at least a brisk walk.

Correction in your diet and eating healthy food will also help you to control your hair loss.

Alok: Can alcoholism be treated through homeopathy?

Dr Mukesh Batra: Homeopathy has certain medicines which can curb downt he desire to drink alcohol. It can also help to cope with the withdrawal symptoms of chronic alcoholism. Take homeopathic medicine sulphuric acid 6c twice daily to help you to curb down the desire to drink.

Vishwanth: I can’t control my dandruff. Please tell me a very good way to control it. I am scared of going bald.

Dr Mukesh Batra: Use Dr Batra's anti dandruff shampoo to wash your hair alternate day. Don't share your comb with anybody and donot use anybody's comb or brush. Take homoepathic medicine Kali sulph 6x daily twice. If not under control, then

please consult a doctor.

Kamath: My creatinine level has been fluctuating between 1.7 to 2.2 for the last three years. What can I do bring it to 1.5 and maintain at that level? I have hypertension.

Dr Mukesh Batra: Take homeopathic medicine solidago mother tincture 10 drops in 1/2 a cup of water twice daily .Check your creatinine every two months thereafter. IF it becomes better continue with it. If the condition remains the same then consult a homeopath.

Abhinav Kapoor: I \'m 5\'11 .and weigh 80 kg? Is it an ideal weight?

Dr Mukesh Batra: You can aim to lose 3-5 kg . Avoid sweets, chocolates, cold drinks, ghee and butter. Exercise for minimum 45 minutes in the morning and evenings at least and take a brisk walk Include high protein diet in your diet.


Davendra: Does aamla fruit help reduce in hair loss ? Can it’s oil be applied on hair, or it’s juice be drunk?

Dr Mukesh Batra: Aamla is rich in vitamin C and is good for hairloss. You can eat it raw or in juice form. Apart from it, include green leafy vegetables and soya protein in your diet.

Bijoy: I am using Coverit 5 per cent to get my hair back ?Is it useful?

Dr Mukesh Batra: It is very important to analyse the causative factor of your hair loss and then comment on cover it. It can help you if you have androgenetic alopecia. There are various causes of hair loss like nutritional deficiency, stress, smoking, scalp infections, drug induced. If you have any of them, then its important to treat the underlying factor to control your hair loss.

Arushi: Is there a cure for scars left from pimples?

Dr Mukesh Batra: Homeopathy cannot cure the scars left from pimples but it can prevent further scarring of the pimples that are caused. You can take a complete homeopathic skin care treatment from our nearby clinic or you can email your problem at [email protected] also for the treatment.

V J I am 52 and suffering from psoriasis for past seven years, can homeopathy cure it?

Dr Mukesh Batra: Homoeopathy offers the best option in treatment of psoriaisis. Apart from the duration we also need to understand the type of psoriasis. We would suggest you to visit our nearest branch to help us evaluate your condition or else provide your details on [email protected].

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