Clipping Tharoor's wings? MEA says no Tweeting at work
Clipping Tharoor's wings? MEA says no Tweeting at work
MEA says that this is to counter the threat of possible cyber attacks.

New Delhi: The Indian Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of External Affairs has instructed its officials not to use the social networking site Twitter from office.

The MEA has cited security reasons and the most affected could be Minister of state (MoS) for External Affairs, Shashi Tharoor who is also called the Twitter Minister.

MEA says that this is to counter the threat of possible cyber attacks. Reports say the MEA has cyber security as one of the top priorities. In the past, there have been cases of several Indian embassies being hacked, according to a study.

There have also been cases where e-mail identities of MEA officials were stolen and misused. Officials have been asked to comply with these instructions and a schedule of checks is being drawn up, to commence next week.

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