Drink up your rishi juice for better health
Drink up your rishi juice for better health
Raw foodists believe eating live foods improves physical and mental health.

Ancient rishis (enlightened yoga masters) developed a spiritual yogic diet to calm the mind, purify the body, increase prana (life-force energy), and achieve enlightenment.

This spiritual yogic diet emphasises eating raw or "live" foods, or the "food of the yogis," such as uncooked organic vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, and seeds. According to the rishis, this food helps to facilitate the awakening of the kundalini (the psycho-spiritual energy force) and the balancing of the seven chakras (energy centers) in the body.

The food of the yogis isn't only for enlightened yoga masters. Raw foodists believe that eating live foods improves physical and mental health, increases energy, vitality, and well-being, and may prevent disease.

However, many health professionals agree that an exclusively raw foods diet presents nutritional challenges and limitations. A raw foods lifestyle may be too extreme to be healthy or practical for the long term.

According to Ayurveda, a raw-food diet is not desirable for everyone. Those with a pitta (fire) or kapha (earth) constitution are more suited to raw foods, while vata (air) types should minimise or avoid raw foods in their diets. Derive the benefits of raw food in your diet by including whole grains (like brown rice and oats), beans, lean protein (including tofu, eggs, fish, or chicken), and healthy fats (such as olive oil and canola oil).

Try adding something raw each day -- a glass of freshly juiced fruits or vegetables, a succulent piece of raw fruit, a delicious raw salad, or a handful of raw nuts and seeds. Combine with a daily asana practice, a whole-food diet, and the following Rishi juice.

Enjoy this refreshing juice as an energising snack before or after yoga practice or as a light meal.


* 4 leafy greens (such as spinach, romaine, and/or kale)

* 4 sprigs parsley, or your favorite herb

* 2 medium carrots, trimmed and cut into 2 to 3-inch pieces

* 1-inch piece of fresh ginger

* 1 apple, seeded and cut into narrow wedges


* Process all ingredients through the juicer. Stir to mix well.

* Serve immediately.

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