Facebook to show new look for news feed today: Here is what to expect
Facebook to show new look for news feed today: Here is what to expect
There are reports, which claim that Facebook may launch new ways to filter the news feed.

New Delhi: Facebook is all set to unveil a new look for its popular "news feed" today at its Menlo Park, California headquarters. The event will be Facebook's second high-profile product event this year, following the rollout of its social search feature in January. After the company announced to launch a revamped news feed on March 7, rumours started surfacing as to what changes will Facebook make to its existing news feed, and what all is on the way.

There are reports, which claim that Facebook may launch new ways to filter the news feed. Speculations are rife that the new "news feed" will have multiple news feeds based on various categories, such as Instagram photos, music your friends are listening to, and artist updates. According to TechCrunch, the multiple "news feed" feature will be located at the top near the search bar.

Besides multiple feeds, the new "news feed" will have larger images and image-based ads. Users may also get individual feeds for news, videos, and apps. Mashable reports that Timeline navigation will be re-positioned at the top right of the page, and shared stories will get a like button for that site below the post.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has already said that the Feed will get a richer design. As reported by Business insider, Zuckerberg, on the Q4 earnings call, said, "As our news feed design evolves to show richer kinds of stories, that opens up new opportunities to offer different kinds of ads as well...One of the product design principles that we've always had is we want the organic content to be of the same basic types of formats as paid content, right? So, historically, advertisers want really rich things like big pictures or videos and we haven't provided those things historically. But, one of the things that we've done in the last year is you've seen the organic news feed product that consumers use moving towards bigger pictures, richer media and I think you'll continue to see it go in that direction. And, I think that a lot of the success of products like Instagram is because of that. It's a very immersive - even on a small screen, just - it's a wonderful photo product."

Facebook's news feed, which displays an ever-changing stream of the photos, videos and comments uploaded from a user's network of friends, is one of the three "pillars" of the service, along with search and user profiles, Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg has said.

The last major update to Facebook's newsfeed was in September 2011. Since then, the company has incorporated ads directly into the feed and the company has shifted its focus to creating "mobile first experiences," as more people now access the social network every day on mobile devices than on desktop PCs.

(With inputs from Reuters)

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