Govt to reimburse part fee?
Govt to reimburse part fee?
Follow us:WhatsappFacebookTwitterTelegram.cls-1{fill:#4d4d4d;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}Google NewsIn view of demands by private colleges of the state to double the fees for professional courses, the cash-starved government might dilute the fee reimbursement scheme for the weaker section students, but the final decision is yet to come.In a cabinet meeting, the government contemplated the effects of implementation of the scheme on the state treasury. If the government allows colleges to hike fee, it has to shell out more money on the reimbursement scheme. Sources said the Finance Department was reluctant on spending more money on fee reimbursement.So, the government is contemplating reimbursing only some portion of the tuition fees, in case the government allowed the private college managements to hike the fee. If the fee in professional colleges is doubled, the government would bear only half of it.first published:January 01, 1970, 05:30 ISTlast updated:January 01, 1970, 05:30 IST 
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In view of demands by private colleges of the state to double the fees for professional courses, the cash-starved government might dilute the fee reimbursement scheme for the weaker section students, but the final decision is yet to come.

In a cabinet meeting, the government contemplated the effects of implementation of the scheme on the state treasury. If the government allows colleges to hike fee, it has to shell out more money on the reimbursement scheme. Sources said the Finance Department was reluctant on spending more money on fee reimbursement.

So, the government is contemplating reimbursing only some portion of the tuition fees, in case the government allowed the private college managements to hike the fee. If the fee in professional colleges is doubled, the government would bear only half of it.

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