Govt warns airlines against exorbitant fares
Govt warns airlines against exorbitant fares
Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel on Friday warned the airlines that they cannot charge fares at will.

New Delhi: The Government on Friday took on the airlines over the issue of exorbitant airfares. Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel on Friday warned the airlines that they cannot charge fares at will.

"Exorbitant hike has caused inconvenience to the travellers. We feel that corrective action must be taken. Aviation sector is back on high growth track. This has led to mismatch in demand supply (but) that does not mean airlines can take unduly advantage of the situation. Airlines cannot charge fares at will," warned Patel while addressing a press conference in New Delhi.

Stating that the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) was not a toothless tiger, Patel warned the airlines not to act against the spirit of liberalisation.

"We don't expect airlines to act against the spirit of liberalisation. DGCA is not satisfied with the response from most airlines on airfares range. We want to know from airlines more transparently and most definitely what will they charge. DGCA is not an authority to dictate fares but we are not helpless against high fares," he said.

"DGCA has powers for either predatory pricing or excessive pricing. DGCA can invoke further powers if necessary. At this point we need to see how airlines respond to DGCA," he added.

The Civil Aviation Ministry had demanded an explanation from airlines on proposed airfares submitted by them. The airlines had been ordered to declare highest and lowest fares on different routes the airlines.

Responding to notice domestic airlines had on Wednesday submitted their proposals for making public a range of fares for every month.

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