Happiness costs nothing more than $100,000
Happiness costs nothing more than $100,000
Each dollar thereafter is a sliding scale of diminishing returns.

Melbourne: There’s no doubt that no matter how much you earn, your desires and wants are still left unquenched. But according to a new report – 100,000 dollars are more than enough to keep you happy.

And the happiness derived from money starts stalling after this amount.

According to the annual Australian Unity wellbeing index – the statistical smile tracker – happiness starts to stall as household income passes 100,000 dollars, reports heraldsun.com.au.

According to the authors, once you crack six figures "money loses its ability to reliably raise well-being and does not increase in line with increasing income".

This is when a person reaches a point where they have enough money to comfortably keep a roof over our heads, food on the table and clothes on their backs.

After achieving this, much of our economic stress and angst is eliminated.

Each dollar thereafter is a sliding scale of diminishing returns, which no amount of stuff can fill, the report said.

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